
Employment and Training

  1. The unemployment rate down slightly in France, to the lowest since 2008
  2. EDEC of construction economists and surveyors: the Ministry of Labour, the FIAC and Atlas are committed to the attractiveness of the branch
  3. Employment of seniors: the government opens the door to more "coercive" measures
  4. Aid for hiring a work-study student maintained until the end of the five-year term
  5. Personal training account: the government amendment causes a stir
  6. Towards a financial participation of employees when using their personal training account
  7. The government maintains significant aid to reach one million apprentices
  8. Full employment remains an "achievable" goal, according to Dussopt
  9. Occupation in tension: house painter
  10. Recruitment tensions: Dussopt announces a new plan to "act on all fronts"
  11. Pôle emploi, the CAPEB, the FFB and the FNTP are mobilizing for employment in the construction industry
  12. Kick-off of the training of civil servants in the ecological transition
  13. Employment of seniors: Dussopt plans to combine salary and compensation
  14. The health crisis has slowed down the retraining of the least qualified
  15. Training faced with the challenge of the shortage of candidates
  16. Many jobs for French engineers, but great difficulties in recruiting
  17. A mission launched for the creation of France Travail which must replace Pôle emploi
  18. Pôle emploi is preparing an action plan targeting sectors that are struggling to recruit
  19. The number of apprentices trained in crafts reached a level not seen since 2010
  20. The growth of apprenticeship strongly due to the superior, according to the Ministry of Labor