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BATIFIBRE is an innovative drainage solution, economical and simple to use without gravel.
BATIFIBRE replaces a traditional system composed of a bare drain, a gravel coating and a geotextile. Installed around the foundations, it allows the evacuation of seepage water.
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BATIFIBRE is a rigid drain with flat bottom Ø 90 with a resistance greater than 4 kN / m², coated with a bulky fiber.
The BATIFIBRE, thanks to its sleeve, is connected to standard PVC Ø 100 female accessories. The adapter sleeve thus makes it possible to carry out changes of direction, of inspection or cleaning chimneys.
Dedicated to the peripheral drainage of foundations, its fiber technology has been developed for 10 years by ATE and allows implementation without gravel.
- No gravel or geotextile coating required during installation
- Less soil to evacuate because it can be backfilled with site soil (requires soil that is sufficiently re-wiped and devoid of large stones)
- The only drain with gravel-free installation under technical advice (n°17/16-317_V5) and QB certified
- Suitable for peripheral foundation drainage and under-paving drainage
- Length of 2 ml or 2.5 ml
It is considered by users to be the most economical, efficient and quick to implement solution on the market.
General documentation CheckHide
Technical documentation CheckHide
BATIFIBRE technical sheet
External PDFConsultBATIFIBRE implementation manual
External PDFConsult
Videos CheckHide
Foundation drainage - Technical advice - Soils with or without clay
VideoConsultTUTO How to cut the Batifibre drain?
VideoConsultDrain the foundations of a construction WITHOUT GRAVEL
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- #Drainage
- #Foundation
- #Evacuation
- #Water
- #Infiltration