
Legislation and Regulation

  1. The Assembly adopts the emergency bill for the reconstruction of Mayotte
  2. In Marseille, the administrative court cancels the maintenance component of the "schools plan"
  3. Astrid Panosyan suggests contribution of some pensioners to financing social protection
  4. The Minister responsible for Housing announces a decree to simplify RE 2020 and the preparation of the next deadlines
  5. In Marseille, a slum landlord sentenced to one year in prison
  6. Emergency bill for Mayotte adopted in committee in the Assembly
  7. Large retailers file appeal against obligation to install photovoltaic canopies in car parks
  8. In Nice, prison for the managers of a company selling explosives for the construction industry
  9. Electric cars: what has changed for businesses since January 1, 2025
  10. Retirement: retirement age is "the elephant in the room", according to Marylise Léon
  11. Pensions: CPME suggests targeting improvement on professional wear and tear
  12. Regularization of undocumented workers: occupations in demand updated "end of February"
  13. Sharing Value: Small Businesses Are Going to Have to Get on Board
  14. 565.000 most energy-consuming homes considered indecent since January 1
  15. Minister of Labor ready for "fair and reasonable adjustments" on pension reform
  16. Selling an energy-consuming home to avoid renovation work
  17. Fight against energy insecurity, CEE, MaPrimeRénov': what changes on January 1, 2025
  18. Two former executives of a major overseas social landlord given suspended sentences, notably for favouritism
  19. Tax fraud: record seizure of 461 million euros targeting a wealthy Briton confirmed on appeal in Paris
  20. Tertiary decree and BACS decree: how to articulate them for controlled energy?