
Projects and Achievements

  1. Dental teaching center for the Besançon University Hospital (25): a 14 million euro project, completed in record time
  2. Nanterre-la-Folie station, designed by Arcadis, is full of passengers
  3. Innovative sensors remotely monitor cracks and wall movements during chapel restoration
  4. Reconstruction of the spire of the Saint-Denis cathedral basilica and immersion in its history: the work is gaining momentum
  5. A passage for snow groomers and skiers is being built in Les Menuires
  6. Delivery of the “Le Bellini” building, the new Swiss Life headquarters in France located in Puteaux-La Défense
  7. In Bordeaux, the Caudéran town hall combines heritage preservation and renewable energy thanks to Edilians' Max solar slates
  8. Distech Controls equips the Olympic Aquatic Center
  9. Polieco France's Ecodren drains contribute to the creation of an eco-responsible cycle path in Muret (31)
  10. Urban Challenge Trophies: Arcadis and its partners win the “Urban Recycling” prize with the Parc Bougainville project in Marseille
  11. Oknoplast participates in the rehabilitation of the Jean-Paul II Vocational High School in Denain (59)
  12. In Lyon, Edilians enhances the historic roof of the Saint-Just high school with its Plate 16×38 Doyet tiles
  13. Kadans Science Partner launches construction of The Mix, the first technical building in Paris Saclay
  14. 2026 Olympics: Bobsleigh track construction on schedule
  15. The Community of Communes of Landes d'Armagnac (CCLA) unveils néela, its collective project for self-consumption using solar energy
  16. La Géode reopens its doors after six years of work
  17. Monaco has inaugurated its new eco-district, Mareterra, a 6 ha extension at sea
  18. Reopening of the Mont-Blanc tunnel closed for 15 weeks
  19. End of the main construction work on the American Hospital of Paris in Neuilly-sur-Seine (92)
  20. The Plastor Vitrification Trophies: beautiful parquet renovation projects in the spotlight