Increase in enrollment in higher education degrees
This strong momentum, following the apprenticeship reform resulting from the law of September 2018 for the freedom to choose one's professional future, benefits all sectors, in particular those of manufacturing and services (+19%) . The remarkable growth in the number of craft apprentices is correlated with the increase in enrollments in higher education diplomas, in particular the BTS, which are attracting more and more young people. At the regional level, the increase in enrollment is more marked in areas where apprenticeship is less developed, in particular Île-de-France.
The number of craft apprentices increases by 14% in 2020-2021
During the 2020-2021 school year, 175.950 young people were welcomed and trained by craft businesses in France.
This figure is up by 14% (+21.830 apprentices trained) compared to the 2019-2020 school year. The number of crafts apprentices has reached its highest level since 2010.
For Marielle Vo-Van Liger, MAAF Marketing and Communication Director: “The craft industry remains a historical bastion of apprenticeship in France: it trains 28% of all apprentices. Overall, there is one apprentice for every seven businesses in craft businesses with less than 20 employees. Through the very strong momentum observed during the 2020-2021 school year, we perceive the effects of the apprenticeship reform initiated by the law of September 2018 on the freedom to choose one's professional future. The simplification of the conditions of performance of the contract, the revaluation of the remuneration of the apprentices and the establishment of a single State aid for the host companies have made it possible to strengthen the attractiveness of an already popular path. . »
Sharp rise in apprenticeship in manufacturing and service sectors
The increase in the number of apprentices concerns all the crafts sectors, both those which historically accommodate the largest cohorts, such as construction and food, and those which previously were less invested in this sector. of training.
In detail, it is the manufacturing and service sectors that are recording the strongest growth in the number of apprentices: +19% compared to the 2019-2020 school year. A favorable trend driven by activities in strong development (such as the manufacture of craft beers or the cleaning of buildings) or in renewed attractiveness (in particular the manufacture of leather goods and clothing).
In volume, it is still the construction sector that trains the largest number of apprentices (67.730 apprentices trained in 2020-2021). Next come the services (50.840), food (40.950) and manufacturing (15.630) sectors.
Enrollments are increasing in higher education, the profile of apprentices is changing
The growth in the number of apprentices is explained by the increase in enrollments in higher education diplomas. Indeed, if in 2019-2020, 11% of apprentices enrolled in the 1st year were enrolled in a higher education diploma, this share increases to 18% for the 2020-2021 school year. Taken as a whole, the total number of apprentices enrolled in a higher education diploma increases from 16.200 in 2019-2020 to 25.300 in 2020-2021.
The dynamic is remarkable for the BTS, the main post-baccalaureate diploma prepared by crafts apprentices. There is indeed a 69% increase in apprentices registered in BTS in 2020-2021. On the other hand, if the CAP attracts half of the incoming apprentices, their number decreases (-5%).
The revival of apprenticeship in higher education diplomas is therefore accompanied by a change in the profile of apprentices in favor of more qualified and older young people.
For Catherine Élie, director of studies at the Institut Supérieur des Métiers: "With the increase in the level of diploma prepared by craft apprentices and the apprenticeship reform, which now authorizes entry into apprenticeship up to 29 years old, the profile of the apprentice has changed in 2020-2021. . The number of apprentices over the age of 25 has thus increased from 2.580 in 2019-2020 to 3.920 in 2020-2021. Overall, the average age of apprentices is rising, which is linked to several factors. First, the increase in the frequency of further studies. 42% of apprentices in the trades chain in fact several training diplomas, either to improve their level of qualification, or to train in several trades and related specialities. In addition, we observe more and more late entry into vocational training: many young people change course during high school or higher education. »
A more marked increase in territories where apprenticeship is less developed
The number of apprentices trained in craft businesses is increasing in all regions. The increases are more noticeable in regions where apprenticeship is less developed.
In Île-de-France, the number of apprentices in the craft industry thus increased by 22%. This is the strongest increase recorded nationally. The rate of deployment of apprenticeship is however the lowest in France (7 apprentices for 100 craft businesses against 12 on average).
In the southern half of the territory, the increase in the number of apprentices is strong in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (+19%) and in Occitanie (+14%). The deployment rates for apprenticeship in craft businesses are 9% and 10% respectively.
Normandy, the 2nd region for its deployment rate (19%, or 1 apprentice for 5 companies) also recorded a strong increase in the number of apprentices (14%).
Study methodology
The “craft barometer” is produced by the Institut Supérieur des Métiers with the support of MAAF. Published 4 times a year, this barometer highlights the major trends in the development of the crafts sector in its various economic and social components (characteristics of leaders, companies, jobs, according to sectors and territories). Sources: the barometer data comes from the use, by the ISM, of national data files from the Ministry of National Education (SIFA and INSER JEUNES survey).