France Materials
Chambery, France Wholesale trade group, finishing work, wood, panels, insulation... Distributor of products and materials
Contest / Prize / Trophy | France Matériaux wins the award for the highest rated materials trading brand on Google in 2024 After analyzing 9,4 million ratings and reviews posted by customers on the Google Business Profile files of major French retail chains in 2024 and obtaining a score of 4,59/5, France Matériaux won the Vasano Prize for the highest rated retailer in the Materials Trading category. -
Distributor News | 15 new points of sale for France Matériaux Proof of the attractiveness of the values defended by the group of independent building materials traders, France Matériaux continues to expand its national reach with 8 new members and 15 new points of sale. More than positive signals in a tense economic context! -
News Manufacturer | France Matériaux deploys its new “Carpentry Selection” concept In order to strengthen the multi-specialist image of its members, FRANCE MATERIALS provides them with a new JOINERY SELECTION concept, a real sales and communication support tool for all those who wish to develop this activity in their business. -
Distributor News | France Matériaux consolidates its network with three buyouts between members Within France Matériaux, buyouts between members are increasing, proof of the success of LA FINANCIERE, a legal structure launched in early 2022 by the group of independent traders to encourage, thanks to the preference clause, the transfer of businesses and development by external growth. -
Distributor News | France Matériaux strengthens its tools to offer its members ever more proximity and responsiveness To support its members in their development and improve their performance, France Matériaux, a national group of independent materials traders, plays the card of proximity and simplification of their logistical procedures.