Rueil-Malmaison Cedex, France Global player in concessions and construction Public works company
Company News | Vinci approaches 2025 with serenity after a net profit increase of 3,4% in 2024 French construction giant Vinci has recorded a 2024% increase in net profit in 3,4 to 2024 billion euros, boosted by its airports and energy activities, and is counting on a "further increase in turnover and results" this year. -
Company News | Vinci and American Walsh win $2,78 billion contract for Chicago subway extension The Chicago Transit Authority has awarded a consortium of companies including Vinci a $2,78 billion contract for nine kilometers of line extension and four new stations, the French group announced a few days ago in a press release. -
Company News | Vinci announces a slight increase in its turnover in the 3rd quarter thanks to air traffic French construction giant Vinci announced on Thursday October 24 a slight increase in turnover of 1,4% to 18,5 billion euros in the third quarter, notably due to a slowdown in inflation in the countries where the group operates. -
Company News | Vinci announces a drop in profit in the first half impacted by the infrastructure tax Vinci announced on Thursday July 25 a net profit of nearly 2 billion euros in the first half, down 4,5%, notably under the effect of the new tax on French motorways, but the construction and construction giant concessions displays its “serenity”, with a record order book. -
Company News | 2024 forecasts confirmed for Vinci after an increase in turnover in the first quarter The French construction giant Vinci confirmed its 25 forecasts on Thursday April 2024 and announced a turnover up 4,8% to 15,7 billion euros in the first quarter, noting an increase in motorway traffic after the protests. farmers and a “record” order book. -
Company News | Vinci acquires 14 km of the Denver ring road in the United States for $1,2 billion The construction group Vinci, also a highway and airport manager, is entering road concessions in the United States for the first time by finalizing the acquisition of a 14 km toll portion of the Denver ring road ( Colorado) for “around $1,2 billion.” -
Company News | Vinci announces the acquisition of 50,01% of Edinburgh Airport for 1,5 billion euros The French construction and infrastructure giant Vinci announced on Wednesday April 17 an agreement to buy 50,01% of the shares of Edinburgh airport "for a price of 1,27 billion pounds sterling", or almost 1,5. XNUMX billion euros. -
Company News | Vinci’s results once again driven by its motorway concessions The French construction giant Vinci published on Wednesday February 7 a net profit of 4,7 billion euros earned in 2023, an increase of 10%, a result once again driven by its motorway concessions in France, which the government intends to tax more. .