Discover the project of an extraordinary and spectacular move for ADAMAD starting with 750 m² of modular buildings transferred and reconditioned by the Nantes company DELTAMOD, specialist in modular reuse.
The 750 m² of modular units of the Home Hospitalisation (HAD) have disappeared from the hospital landscape. You will now have to travel about a kilometer to find them on rue Proudhon, on the former sports field of the Moulin-Rouge district, near the care service, temporary accommodation and day care of Adamad-Centre-Vendée. Destined to be thrown away at the dump, these modular units were given to ADAMAD for a symbolic euro by the HAD to be transferred, reinstalled and reconditioned directly on site by the DELTAMOD teams.
In fact, this is a fine example of a circular economy with a limited carbon impact. This operation also allows the grouping of the care service with that of home help, historically established in the Forges district (formerly ADAP).
"For our association, it is a less expensive operation than a construction and it is more virtuous for the environment. In addition, we will be able to offer the people we support better coordination of our activities and therefore optimize our quality of support." explains Marie-Laure Pavageau, the general director of ADAMAD.
Work to be completed in June
The most significant work was deliberately carried out during the holiday periods, so as not to penalise the pupils of the Moulin-Rouge school group.
Only the residents of the temporary accommodation were able to watch, impressed, the installation of the modular units on their new site.
But before that, they were the subject of real precision work, as explained by the representative of the company Deltamod, a specialist in the reconditioning of modular buildings.
“It was necessary to undo the electrical and hydraulic connections between the modules, and to cut out the partitions and the roofs.”
On D-Day, the modules were lifted one by one, then transported on semi-trailers before taking possession of their new space.
“Impressive, extraordinary!” can't believe it Alain Dugast, ADAMAD volunteer, who for two days continued to take photos of the various stages of "an extraordinary operation."
Find in this video all the Transfer, Installation and Reconditioning operations on site, demonstrating all the advantages of modular Reuse.