How can we explain that we are sacrificing so much of this virtuous sector, which is essential to the energy transition and to the purchasing power of the French?
In terms of form, the decision is somewhat surprising: the day before his resignation and while the budgetary appropriations were being censored in the National Assembly, the Barnier government hastily published this decree without even giving time to complete discussions with professionals. A good example of confusion between speed and haste...
In substance, this decision is no longer surprising, it is disconcerting: wood heating, and in particular pellets, is recognized as virtuous both for the environment (pellets only release 30g of CO2 per kWh) and for purchasing power; wood, depending on its form, sells for between 5 and 7,5 cents per kWh. It is therefore an excellent substitute energy for fossil fuels or electricity which, with a price at least three times higher for the latter, continues to supply 5,5 million homes in individual houses. Why do without part of the solution, when the challenges are so great?
Alerted a few weeks ago to this draft decision, professionals tried to make decision-makers see reason. They were joined by more than 60 parliamentarians from all sides who questioned the Ministers of Ecology, Energy and Industry on the risk of this drop in the purchasing power of the French. How can we accept that the government ignores these warnings, at a time when everyone is whispering that the State is no longer supporting wood energy?
In times of budgetary crisis, it is understandable that the State seeks to make savings. But domestic wood heating represents only a few tens of millions of euros in the ANAH budget (through MaPrimeRenov) and allows millions of French people to make hundreds, even thousands of euros of savings each year and the State to reduce the deficit of imports of fossil fuels (more than 100 billion euros in 2022).
The reason may rather be found in the "biomass loop", finalized by the SGPE this summer. According to this very influential institution created by President Macron, biomass would not be in sufficient quantity for all uses, making the decarbonization of industrial sites a priority against residential wood heating. This is to forget that pellets and logs are produced respectively only from residues from the forest-wood industry (favoring long-term carbon sequestration in wood-construction, through the association of uses) and from wood that would be very difficult to valorize by industry.
This is why it seems urgent to us that the Bayrou government immediately reverses this decision. The foundations of biomass governance have been laid: let's take the time to define together an appropriate heating energy mix, avoiding hasty decisions. The energy planning documents (PPE and SNBC) are under consultation: let's take up their recommendations and promote the most efficient wood-burning heating appliances, replacing carbon-based energies or polluting appliances. And let's ensure that French households have a virtuous and economical alternative with domestic wood heating.
Tribune by Eric Vial, general delegate of Propellet (LinkedIn).