

Toulouse cedex 1, France Aluminum construction systems Manufacturer of products and materials
  1. New range of joinery for fire safety in buildings
  2. In 2025, let's imagine the future beyond limits
  3. Take part in the 21st edition of the Technal Architecture Awards!
  4. [Technal Greener] Everything you need to know about the environmental product declaration (EPD)
  5. Expert interview - Anne-Laure Moreira Mbaye & Keba Mbaye
  6. Expert Interview - Jaafar Sijelmassi and Omar Mawlawi
  7. Technal’s values
  8. Partnership between Technal and Saint-Gobain Glass
  9. Soleal Next, the new range of doors and windows Technal
  10. [Technal Greener] The first joinery made from 1% recycled aluminum