Toulouse cedex 1, France Aluminum construction systems Manufacturer of products and materials
Contest / Prize / Trophy | Awards ceremony for the 20th edition of the Architecture Aluminum Technal awards The 20th edition of the Architecture Aluminum Technal Awards is a great vintage! Seven projects received awards and a distinguished mention by a jury of independent experts across seven categories: Living Individual Housing Prize, Living Collective Housing Prize, Rehabilitating Prize, Studying Prize, Discovering Prize, Working Prize, Prize 4114, in reference to the Club Technal of the same name, who voted for his favorite project. -
Achievement | Full and empty games for a school group and an early childhood center in Toulouse Located in the new eco-district of the ZAC Cartoucherie in Toulouse, the project consists of a nursery and elementary school group (18 classes, 8 workshops, a library, a canteen, etc.) and an early childhood center adapted to different modes of daycare (Relais Assistantes Maternelles and crèches). -
Achievement | A renovated envelope for the Metroscop office building in Créteil (94) Located in the dynamic business district of l'Échat in Créteil, the Metroscop office building, dating from the 1970s, required a new envelope with a modern and efficient aesthetic. A renovation carried out with 2.000 thermally efficient and colored Technal joinery. -
Achievement | Technal is carrying out a new 100% BIM project with its dedicated TECH3D BIM configurator A major project of almost 53.000 m² SDP, the PROMENADE DE FLANDRE SHOPPING CENTER has the distinction of being designed using a BIM digital model. A requirement in the specifications of the IMMOCHAN and ALTARÉA COGEDIM contracting authorities. They could thus have a global visibility during the construction phase, through maintenance and easy management of commercial leases. -
Achievement | Technal random opening set for the "Toi" house in Villeneuve d'Ascq (59) Terraced layout, red brick, multitude of openings of various shapes and sizes, etc., are all criteria that characterize the architecture typical of northern houses. Mathieu Martin, from the TOYOS MOS MOYOS agency, undertook the construction of an urban villa, with resolutely contemporary accents, while incorporating traditional resonances. -
Achievement | Technal is participating in the rehabilitation of the "Le Domino" cinema and in the construction of a cultural center in Méru (60) Built in 1986, the Cinema d'Art et d'Essai LE DOMINO had to be brought up to PMR and fire standards. The municipality of Méru wished to take advantage of this rehabilitation to expand the establishment and include a cultural center of 1.650 m². -
Achievement | Technal dresses the Aimé Césaire college in Saint-Geours-de-Maremne (40) with 1.700m² of joinery Nestled in the heart of the Landes pine forest, the Aimé Césaire College is distinguished by its mimetic relationship with the green site. A wish expressed in the specifications of the General Council of Landes. -
Achievement | Create framing on the outside like tables with Technal openings Laurent Guillaud-Lozanne imagined a 280 m² villa arranged in a "U" shape on a steep slope. The architectural approach chosen was to level the spaces in order to carefully follow the slope and thus fit into its environment on the outskirts of Lyon.