
QUALITEL Association

Paris, France Certification and information on the quality of housing Service provider

Founded in 1974 by the State Secretariat for Housing, the QUALITEL Association's mission is to promote the quality of housing in France. As a major player in the sector, it brings together professional organizations, consumer associations and public authorities around the common objective of improving the quality of housing for comfortable, healthy, safe and sustainable housing.

Main activities and structures of QUALITEL

  1. CERQUAL QUALITEL Certification (2004):
    Specializing in housing certification, CERQUAL supports local authorities, developers, builders, and social landlords to assess requirements for quality, comfort, health, energy performance, and eco-construction.
  2. QIOS Qualitel Expertise (1997):
    A subsidiary dedicated to evaluation and expertise, QIOS focuses on overall quality, acoustics, energy, health, and the environment. It collaborates with project management, institutions, and communities.
  3. CERQUAL International Pole:
    Operator of HQE certification internationally, CERQUAL Pôle International supports players in the construction, renovation, and operation of residential projects abroad, while providing professional training.
  4. Quality Training:
    Training organization specializing in sustainable construction and energy efficiency, intended for professionals in the housing sector.
  5. QUALITY Solutions:
    Developer of CLÉA, the Housing Information Book, and of the ALEX expertise service, which assesses the quality of housing for individuals and professionals with a view to purchase, sale or renovation.