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Peak heat, heat wave, burning roofs, suffocating homes, cold walls, damp rooms…: Insulate differently and not suffer from heat or cold: protect yourself effectively, improve the quality of life of habitats and limit energy consumption: it's possible ThermaCote provides an innovative solution!
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For about thirty years in the United States and a little less than 10 years in Europe, the cool roof and cool wall approvals have become real labels guaranteeing a solid quality of wall and roof insulation. Durieu with ThermaCote offers an ultra-technical solution with amazing properties, embellished with cool roof and cool wall.
ThermaCote in detail: Concentrated advantages:
- High concentration of dry extracts guaranteeing optimal efficiency and long-term protection for all protected surfaces.
- A predominantly ceramic composition (80% of the paint) which provides the protected coating with all the insulating capacities coupled with the resistance to high heat of ceramic.
ThermaCote in action:
3 combined action spectra: Thermal insulation / Anti-humidity / Airtightness.
- Thermal insulation: Thanks to its specific formulation ThermaCote acts as a survival blanket on the supports. It envelops them in a protective layer which, in cold periods, limits the passage of heat to the outside by "returning" the heat inside the building and in hot periods, allows the reflection of part of the heat in outside the support, thus making it possible to significantly reduce the temperature felt on the support. A support protected with ThermaCote can lose more than 20° (from 60° to 38°).
- Anti-humidity: Humidity is the first enemy of insulation because it generates infiltration in the walls and leads to the formation of condensation and rust. A ThermaCote protection allows the support to breathe, extracting moisture while preventing it from entering.
- Airtightness: the infiltration or leakage of air in the supports is a guarantee of deterioration of the insulation and the application of ThermaCote avoids this phenomenon. The insulation is permanent.
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- #Painting
- #Insulation
- # Sealing
- #ThermaCote