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The Defiant's beefy little brother. The same design as the Defiant stove, the Encore stove like its big brother offers an enamel finish, allowing to add a touch of color, with a finish full of charm.
The double catalytic combustion always allows performance for up to 10 hours, ensuring optimal slow combustion, and a gentle awakening.
The Encore stove provides more than heat: it is artfully designed and timeless furniture. A superb design combining beauty and practicality. Finely shaped with classic curves.
Characteristics CheckHide
- Rated power: kW 8,0
- CO level: 0,09%
- Particle emission (mg / Nm3): 37,5 mg / Nm3
- Efficiency: 75,9%
- Flamme verte: 7 (* Given as an indication, only the Flamme Verte site is authentic.)
- IEEP: 0,6
- Smoke outlet: Ø 15 cm
- Weight: 218kg
- Log size: 50 cm
- Complies with standard: EN13240
- Dimensions: L 68,6 x D 56,5 H 65,4 cm
Technical documentation CheckHide
ENCORE FLEXBURN Ecolabel product sheet
PDF 150.60kbConsultENCORE FLEXBURN Ecolabel Label
PDF 43.65kbConsult
Videos CheckHide
Burning door open with a Vermont wood stove
VideoConsultCatalytic combustion with a Vermont wood stove
VideoConsultSwitching to catalytic combustion with a Vermont wood stove
VideoConsultStandard combustion with a Vermont wood stove
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