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Entirely made of cast iron, Vermont wood stoves, with their "rustic" style, ensure astonishing operation and performance. The Defiant is capable of heating large volumes for hours.
Its dual catalytic combustion technology allows it to operate at idle for a very long time, with combustion.
The DEFIANT wood stove is timeless. It was created to "defy winter". Everything is designed to be practical and easy to use.
Characteristics CheckHide
- Rated power: kW 9,5
- CO level: 0,08%
- Particle emission (mg / Nm3): 39 mg / Nm3
- Efficiency: 77,5%
- Flamme verte: 7 (* Given as an indication, only the Flamme Verte site is authentic.)
- IEEP: 0,5
- Smoke outlet: Ø 20 cm
- Weight: 235kg
- Log size: 60 cm
- Complies with standard: EN13240
- Dimensions: L 82,2 x W 48,3 x H 75,9 cm
Technical documentation CheckHide
Product sheet DEFIANT FLEXBURN Ecolabel
PDF 150.59kbConsultLabel Ecolabel DEFIANT FLEXBURN
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- Stove
- Wood
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- # Energy
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- #Vintage