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IKO enertherm ALU is an insulation panel with a rigid polyisocyanurate foam core 100% CFC, HCFC or HFC free, coated on both sides with a gas-tight multi-layer aluminum complex.
Thermal insulation panel for wooden and steel flat roofs.
Characteristics CheckHide
- Edge finishing: Droite
- Thermal conductivity coefficient: (EN 13 165)
- λD: 0,022 W/(mK)
- Density: ± 32 kg / m³
- Compressive strength with 10% deformation: ≥ 175 kPa (17,5 t/m²)
- Behavior under distributed load: class C (UEAtc Guide)
- Behavior under maintained load: 60 kPa (CSTB 3669-v2)
- Closed cells: more than 95%
- Resistance to vapor diffusion: PIR foam: μ = 60 ALU facing: μ > 100.000
Fire reaction properties:
Reaction to fire according to EN 13 501-1: NPDReaction to fire 'end use' according to EN 15 715, Table 5 n°3 (TAN): Class B-s2,d0 (between 30 and 120 mm)Reaction to fire 'end use' ” according to EN 15 715, Table 5 n°3 (TAN with fesco): Class B-s1, d0 (30 to 80 mm)
Technical approvals:
Europe (EC): EN 13 165: T2 DS(70,90)3 DS(-20,-)1 DLT(2)5 TR80 (from 30 to 140 mm) TR40 (from 145 to 200 mm) CS(10Y)175 WL(T)1
Belgium : ATG 2726 – ATG 2727 – ATG H867
France : ACERMI certificate No. 06/103/434 - under DTA issued by the CSTB.
General documentation CheckHide
Thermal insulation for roof terraces
External PDFConsultGeneral brochure IKO insulations
External PDFConsult
Technical documentation CheckHide
ACERMI IKO enertherm ALU certificate
External PDFConsultIKO ENERTHERM ALU (terrace roof)