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Description See +Hide
IKO enertherm ALU TG is an insulation panel with a rigid polyisocyanurate foam core 100% CFC, HCFC or HFC free, coated on both sides with a gas-tight multi-layer aluminum complex.
Thermal insulation panel for attic slopes and attic floors.
Characteristics CheckHide
- Edge finishing: Tongue groove system (TG)
- Coefficient of thermal conductivity: (EN 13 165)
- λD: 0,022 W/(mK)
- Overall dimensions: 1 200x600mm / Useful dimensions: 1 185x585mm
- Density: ± 32 kg / m³
- Compressive strength with 10% deformation: ≥ 175 kPa (17,5 t/m²)
- ISOLATED profile: I4S2O3L2E4 (between 30 and 100 mm), I3S2O3L2E4 (between 105 and 140 mm) I2S2O3L2E4 (between 145 and 200 mm)
- Closed cells: more than 95%
- Resistance to vapor diffusion: PIR foam: μ = 60 ALU facing: μ > 100.000
Reaction to fire properties:
Reaction to fire according to EN 13 501-1: NPD
Technical approvals:
Europe (EC) : EN 13 165: T2 DS(70,90)3 DS(-20,-)1 DLT(2)5 TR80 (from 30 to 140 mm) TR40 (from 145 to 200 mm) CS(10Y)175 WL(T )1
La France : ACERMI certificate No. 06/103/434
General documentation CheckHide
Technical documentation CheckHide
ACERMI IKO enertherm ALU certificate
External PDFConsultIKO ENERTHERM ALU TG (converted and lost attics)