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The Obat Works portal, the reference directory for building professionals! Craftsmen, list your company in our directory in order to be put in touch with individuals wishing to carry out work in your geographical area. Gain visibility on the Internet and get in touch with many potential customers!
In a few quick and easy steps, create your company profile and start receiving your first quote requests.
Logo, contact details, description, opening hours, services, professional certifications, photos of your achievements, links to your website and/or your social network pages... Personalize your file with the information of your choice in order to introduce yourself in your best light in the eyes of prospects!
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Why be referenced in the Obat directory? 5 good reasons:
- A 100% personalized professional file;
- Local referencing, targeted by city, department and region;
- Better visibility for your business;
- Quote requests from qualified prospects;
- Zero commission fees.
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- #Phone book
- #Works
- #Building
- #Professionals