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Description See +Hide
Cristalino and Cristalino + make it possible to obtain pure and crystalline water directly at home.
- Elimination of bacteria and chemical pollutants
- Elimination of chlorine and its derivatives (chloramines), responsible for bad taste
- Elimination of heavy metals (lead, aluminum, arsenic, iron)
- Elimination of nitrates (with Cristalino +)
- Anti-sediment filtration
- Self-sterilizing ceramic cartridge, containing an internal cartridge of compacted activated carbon
- Preservation of all mineral salts (calcium, magnesium, etc.)
- No need for storage tank
- Economical: no water discharge (unlike reverse osmosis units)
- No more drudgery of water packs and plastic waste
3 filtration stages:
STEP 1: Sediment filtration (turbidity)
STEP 2: Elimination of pathogenic bacteria using 0,2 µ submicron ceramic
STEP 3: Removal of bad taste, bad odors, and heavy metals by compacted activated carbon
4 filtration stages:
STEP 1: Sediment filtration (turbidity)
STEP 2: Removal of nitrates by a specific cartridge
STEP 3: Elimination of pathogenic bacteria by submicron ceramic
STEP 4: Removal of bad taste, bad odors, and heavy metals by activated carbon
Characteristics CheckHide
- Practical: space-saving, can be installed under the sink
- Delivered complete ready to install with 1 stainless steel gooseneck faucet
- Results: pure and crystalline water, at will at home, with CRISTALINO
- Instantaneous flow of 2 to 3 liters per minute at the tap
- Weight: 4 Kgs
- Height: 363 mm
- Depth: 145 mm
- Width: 270 mm
- Weight 6 Kgs
- Height: 355 mm
- Depth: 145 mm
- Width: 360 mm
General documentation CheckHide
- #Purifier
- #Osmoser
- #Water
- #Pollutants
- #Filtration
- #Filtered
- #Tap