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Description See +Hide
Produced in France since 1981, ViaCon's Spirel® hose has evolved over time. Made from new structural steels that are stronger and better controlled, the coils are pre-galvanized at 725 gr / m² double-sided in accordance with standard NF EN 10147.
Manufacturing process
Tubosider Spirel® corrugated pipe is continuously profiled helically from pre-galvanized coils in our factory in Neuville sur Saône near Lyon.
Once profiled and according to its destination (storm basin, fire reserve or water storage), we adapt it to your needs by equipping it with all the necessary accessories (manhole, tapping, ladders, pump, flow regulator) and special parts (tee, elbow, bottoms ...).
The Spirel® pipe will bring you more serenity "turnkey" thanks to shaping on demand.
Area of use
Rainwater management
- Storage & regulation
- Infiltration
- Valorization
Fire defense
- Fire reserve
- EP pipe
Civil Engineering
- Underpass
- Technical gallery
- Ventilation duct
- Lost formwork
Characteristics CheckHide
- Hot-dip galvanized steel 725g/m² double-sided according to NF EN 10346
- Pipes assembled by collars or flanges with a diameter of 300 to 3000 mm
- Length up to 22 meters depending on the diameters
- Several thicknesses depending on the rolling overloads and diameter
- Made in France in Neuville sur Saône (69250)
General documentation CheckHide
TuboSTORE® - Water storage
PDF 894.43kbConsultTuboBAT® Formwork-Ventilation
PDF 700.01kbConsultTuboPUITS® - Lost wells
PDF 348.69kbConsultTuboSTORM® Storm buffer basin documentation
PDF 1.11MBConsultTuboFIRE® - Fire reserve
PDF 910.66kbConsultSpirel Pipe Documentation
PDF 891.20kbConsultTubo'infiltration® documentation
PDF 697.81kbConsult
Video CheckHide
- #Waters
- #Rain
- #Incendie
- #TP
- #Sanitation
- #Flood