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Description See +Hide
URSA XPS is particularly recommended for certain specific applications: heated floors, roof terraces, exterior insulation, green terraces, etc.
The major advantages of URSA XPS are: its high thermal performance, its exceptional mechanical resistance, its high resistance to water and humidity, its lightness, its simple and easy handling, its resistance to freeze-thaw cycles as well than its excellent insulation.
XPS is a 100% recyclable material which does not contain CFC or HCFC gases.
Features SeeHide
- Sloping roofs
- NWE Large Plates
- Roofing Terraces
- N III L Small Plates
- NWE Large Plates
- Interior walls (ITE)
- NWE Large Plates
- soils
- NWE Small Plates
- NWI Small Plates
- Others
- N III I Small Plates
Technical documentation SeeHide
URSA XPS NWE TW Large Plates
PDF 221.11kbConsultURSA XPS NVL TWIN Small Plates
PDF 885.59kbConsultURSA XPS N III L Small Plates
PDF 1.56MBConsultURSA XPS NWE Small Plates
PDF 1.56MBConsult
- #Insulation
- #Plates
- # Polystyrene
- # Extruded
- #Roof
- #Terrace