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Connect your vehicles and machines to collect and centralize data in order to optimize the use of your resources and carry out your many geographically dispersed projects.
The use of connected objects and telemetry equipment allows you to keep a permanent view of the journeys and use of your fleet.
Traxxeo's Wheel Track ™ solution has been specially designed to meet the needs of the construction industry.
The main benefits observed with our customers are in particular:
- Optimization of the fleet (hunting down unused vehicles and machinery, reassignments, etc.);
- A significant reduction in excess speed;
- Savings on vehicle costs (insurance, gasoline, accidents, etc.);
- Optimization of routes and the number of customers served;
- Reduced CO2 emissions;
- Automation of the many processing processes (re-invoicing, site allocation, maintenance plan, etc.).
Characteristics CheckHide
- Vehicle maintenance plan generated by odometer readings
- Automatic identification of the driver and passenger for charging the hours worked by site
- Increase your responsiveness thanks to the alerts generated; automatically according to your work rules (speeding, km, work schedules, etc.)
- Automation of the calculation of travel allowances, mobility, attendance time, inter-site time
- Comparison of the measured working time and that declared by means of digital hours sheets for better control
- Vehicle routes analyzed to identify waiting times and presence at predefined locations
- Fleet usage reports and unused vehicles
General documentation CheckHide
Our offer - Digital solutions for the management of your site resources
PDF 364.94kbConsulteBook How to use digitization to optimize your sites
PDF 750.20kbConsultDocumentation How to connect workers for better cost management and site productivity
PDF 5.11MBConsult
Videos CheckHide
Reduce by 50% the administrative burden related to the management of your employees on site
VideoConsultHow to digitize the collection of timesheets of your teams in the field
VideoConsultTraxxeo, the solution integrated into your IT environment
VideoConsultHow to manage all of your resources on site more efficiently?
web links CheckHide
Web linkConsultGeolocation of your machines and vehicles
Web linkConsultReferences
Web linkConsult
- # Geolocation
- #TrackAndTrace
- #Fleet
- #Software
- #Construction