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Moabi is a mortise lock for wooden and metal doors. Reversible without dismantling, it is compatible with market standards. With an endurance of 1 cycles on the ½ turn, it is certified NF level 000 (the highest) and obtains results twice as high as the AFNOR standard. This exceptional performance makes Moabi the ideal response to your replacement needs for heavy-duty doors, particularly in the tertiary market. Designed with an eco-responsible approach, Moabi is a sustainable solution you can count on.
Features SeeHide
- Mortise lock for wood and metal doors meeting the requirements of the tertiary market.
- NF certification - Hardware items (NF040) level 3 - With results twice the AFNOR standard.
- Endurance: 1 cycles on 000/000 turn - Corrosion: 1 hours in salt spray.
- The lock can be installed on a right or left door, by reversing the bolt 1/2 turn just before installation on the door. No specific tools are required.
- Compatible with all European profile cylinders equipped with a DIN bit.
- Compatible with the use of a door closer thanks to the shape of the 1/2 turn head and the flexibility of the spring.
- A wide choice of assemblies on plate or rosette can be installed on our lock; The locations for the through screws, according to the DIN standard, have been integrated into our case.
- It is delivered with its striker.