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Simple and efficient system suitable for insulating masonry for the treatment of thermal bridges. Planelle and polyurethane delivered assembled.
Practical and economical: light and glued down
Avoids the use of PSE switches.
Certified psi values, between 0,28 and 0,37.
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- Dimensions: Length: 50 cm Height: 17,20 and 24 cm
- Thickness: 4,8 cm (including 2,8 cm concrete and 2 cm polyurethane)
- Material: Lightweight concrete or traditional concrete
- Plaster classification: OC1 or 2 for the lightened concrete version, OC3 for the traditional concrete version
- Region: Half North, Quarter South East, Quarter South West
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QB Isoplanel and Ruptherm certification
PDF 311.03kbConsultTechnical advice Ruptherm and Isoplanel
PDF 2.49MBConsult
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- #Masonry
- #Seismic
- #Insulation
- #ThermicBridges
- #Switches