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The Cavity Filling process® consists of filling an underground cavity using deactivated clay balls, then injecting a resin into the filled volume to improve its resistance.
The expansion of the resin allows perfect bonding in the upper part of the cavity. This process is perfectly suited to filling various cavities, whether anthropogenic or natural: tanks, cellars, crawl spaces, underground galleries, etc.
This technique can be carried out in inaccessible places (eg cellars) with very rapid securing of risk areas.
If applicable, Cavity Filling® also makes it possible to fill crawl spaces and therefore to transform a floor over a crawl space into a floor over a level ground!
- Localized injection
- Perfect keying
- Immediate efficiency: no drying time during keying
- Very fast safety in risk areas
- European patent n ° EP 1 809 817
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Expanded clay
- Material density: ≤ 4,5 to 5,0 Kn / m3 (450 kg / m3)
- Internal friction angle = 40 °
- Water absorption: <25% max, according to EN 1097-3
- Deformation modulus: Md with Dr> 80% ≥ 25 MPa (250 kg / cm²)
- Resistance of aggregates to crushing:> 3600 kPa (36 kg / cm²), according to EN 13055-1
Expansive resin
- Reaction time: a few seconds
- Modulus of elasticity: comparable to that of a foundation soil, 10 to 180 MPa (100 to 1800 kg / cm²)
- Density: variable according to the rate of expansion, from 1 to 3 kN / m3 (100 to 300kg / m3)
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- #Filling
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- #Injection
- #Resin
- #Tank
- # Expansive resin
- #Clay ball
- #Clavage