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Description See +Hide
StoColor Dryonic® Wood the combination of all these technologies for Wood substrates.
Opens an extremely wide range of Façade shades, from the Façade Sto and StoColor System color charts, but also more luminous and intense shades (RAL).
Insulates against the main constituents of wood keeping the surface example of stains or discoloration.
Characteristics CheckHide
- High quality acrylate binder
- Good air permeability (V2)
- Excellent water repellency (W3)
- Barrier effect to C02 (C1)
- Very good covering power
- Very good scratch resistance, suitable for coastal areas and repeated washing
- Alkali resistant
- Biocide free, solvent and plasticizer free
Technical documentation CheckHide
Technical sheet StoColor Dryonic Wood
PDF 431.17kbConsultSafety data sheet StoColor Dryonic Wood
PDF 414.22kbConsultStoColor Dryonic Wood Sustainable Development Data Sheet
PDF 326.34kbConsult
- #Painting
- #Facade
- #Realization
- #Wood
- #ITE
- #Drying