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The TRNSYS software is the world benchmark for realizing a 100% flexible dynamic energy simulation. Thanks to its modular structure, you can describe all the specifics of your projects, even the most innovative. With TRNSYS, the only limit is that of your imagination!
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Product Highlights
Modular: Simulate new components, systems and very varied energy concepts, tailor-made
- Innovative: Integrated 3D geometry for thermal modeling of buildings
- Collaborative: Ability to exchange results with other users
- Ergonomic: Advanced graphical interface which substantially reduces the learning time of the simulator.
Also discover the import module of the digital model eveBIM-TRNSYS facilitates the entry of a building in a project carried out with the TRNSYS software. This entry is based on the import of the digital model of the building in the standard exchange format IFC (Industry Foundation Classes).
Targeted audience
- Subject mastery
- industrial
- Design and control offices
New features in version 18
- Parametric studies: Define a set of parameters to be varied directly in Simulation Studio, the graphical interface of TRNSYS, and run a battery of simulations at the same time
- Daylight: Thanks to the integration of DaySIM software in the building model (type 56), dynamic illumination can be calculated within the 3D structure of the building. This information can then be used by the thermal model in order to define regulation strategies.
- TypeStudio component creation environment: No need anymore for FORTRAN compiler to create a new native component! This new environment provides one, as well as an easy-to-use programming environment
- Available in English
- Version: TRNSYS V.18
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- #Software
- # Energy
- # Regulation
- # RT2012