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Résineo® Arbre is the aesthetic and economical solution to enhance and protect the base of your trees.
Résineo® Arbre prevents stagnation of surface water and promotes soil permeability. This ensures a good supply of water to the tree and to the basements.
The elasticity of the coating allows natural development of the trees. It is also resistant to chemical attack caused by animal excrement and keeps the tree around clean by avoiding the accumulation of waste (cigarette butts, etc.).
The use of raw mineral aggregates of different colors will harmonize perfectly with the urban landscape, while being part of a sustainable approach.
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- Quality materials: Marble aggregates coated with a polyurethane resin
- Applicable on all tree towers
- Advantageous admissible support: topsoil previously covered with a bed of hard compacted gravel
- Low thickness that can adapt to the environment: 3 cm
- Opening to fast traffic: 24h
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