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Digital Timesheets™ from Traxxeo allows you to digitize the clocking of your field teams. You make life easier for team leaders who have immediate access to the daily, weekly and monthly hours worked by their employees.
Your Finance and Human Resources departments will be able to measure in real time the hours consumed by project and automate the transfer of data to the payroll solution.
Characteristics CheckHide
Collect field data on smartphone & tablet
- Digital time sheet per person, per team or per site
- IOS, Windows, Android applications
- Permanent access with offline mode
- Photo report and problem identification
- Ease of use and ergonomics, input aids
Take advantage of a Cloud administrative platform
- Cost structure at several levels
- Automated activity reports
- Absences and vacation planning
Customize the software according to your needs
- Work and absence codes
- Different modes for declaring hours (start / end, minutes / hours, etc.)
- Information on daily allowances (mode of transport, distance, etc.)
- Role-based validation
Increase efficiency with smart actions
- Pre-filled timesheets based on team planning
- Automated data processing to manage overtime
- Automated alerts based on company rules (maximum hours)
- Automated controls based on geolocation data
Effectively plan your workforce
- Planning a work order
- Team planning
- Equipment planning
- Capacity planning
Ensure the success of your new digital process
- A dedicated project manager for your digitization plan
- A quarterly impact assessment after implementation
- Development of tailor-made functionalities
- Advice from our industry experts
Digitize other processes
- Leave requests
- Progress reports
- Delivery notes
- Purchase reports
- Requests for the store manager
- Equipment inventory reports
General documentation CheckHide
Our offer - Digital solutions for the management of your site resources
PDF 364.94kbConsulteBook How to use digitization to optimize your sites
PDF 750.20kbConsultDocumentation Digital solutions for field data collection
PDF 2.02MBConsult
Videos CheckHide
Reduce by 50% the administrative burden related to the management of your employees on site
VideoConsultEiffage BENELUX has digitalized the hours of its employees on site, and you?
VideoConsultHow to manage all of your resources on site more efficiently?
web links CheckHide
- #Digitalization
- #Pay
- #Data
- #Payment