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Hellio offers businesses & local authorities strategic and operational support.
Strong measures must be taken to achieve the objectives of the tertiary decree. They involve time, resources and advanced technical and regulatory knowledge.
Relying on the expertise of its GEO Energy & Services design office, Hellio helps liable parties meet the challenges of the Tertiary Eco Energy decree.
- Technical expertise for the upstream phase of implementation of the Tertiary Decree
- Energy audits
- Financial and technical engineering
- Definition of a tailor-made action plan
- Implementation of Energy Performance Contracts
- Funding of works by mobilizing aid
- Consumption monitoring with our dedicated DeltaConso Expert software, interfaced with the OPERAT platform
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State of play:
- Definition of the reference surface
- Identification of the reference year
- Determination of obligation
- Action plan
- Entry on OPERAT
* Update of September 22, 2022: tolerance until 31/12/2022
Phase 1 of the action plan
- Energy audit campaign
- Programming of works
- Modulation of objectives
- Assistance for project management
- Monitoring of operating contracts
- Energy Performance Contracts
Phase 2 of the action plan
- Review of the phase 1 action plan
- Definition and implementation of the action plan for the second phase and the achievement of the 2040 objectives
Phase 3 of the action plan
- Review of the phase 2 action plan
- Definition and implementation of the action plan for the second phase and the achievement of the 2050 objectives
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- # Energy
- #Business
- # Community
- #Tertiary