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The INNOVAX range is a “hidden sash” system, in which the fixed and sash parts are aligned, and the sash cannot be seen from the outside (on 1-leaf frame).
Initially designed for institutional markets, the slenderness of its central upright (in 2 leaves) has won over individuals. INNOVAX nevertheless remains dedicated to the design of simple joinery.
- Gray or black glazing and bead seals
- External thermal glazing bead with seal
- 30mm thermal break
- Opening strike seal
- Central sealing gasket
- 28mm double glazing
- Thermal break / center seal
- Toulon handle (square)
- Symmetric fitting hinge
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Maximum performance:
Uw 1.5 W/m².K*
SW 0.5*
TLw 0.61*
A * 4 E * 9A V * A2
37dB RA,tr
* with 28 mm double glazing - Ug= 1.1 W/m².K with insulating spacer
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