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The Reef Premium provides access to the benchmark relating to the implementation of structures, safety, hygiene, health, accessibility of buildings and the energy constraints of new and existing buildings.
The Reef Premium is the only offer in the Reef Range allowing you to benefit from an online archiving service of the Reef Repository associated with a search tool for documents, answers or images on a given date in the event of a dispute or poor workmanship.
It is also an archiving service for the Reef Repository, which was in force as of 2003, and which is enriched with the updates of the Reef. It thus makes it possible to cover at least the ten-year guarantee of the works in the event of litigation or faulty work, requiring to consult the Referential which was in force on the date of the works. It gives access to the different versions that a document has undergone over time.
The Reef Premium also offers a Media Library whose illustrated and didactic content has been selected to supplement the texts of the standard, in order to better understand and apply the regulations of the construction sector.
With Le Reef Premium, you have access to a technical and regulatory framework for the building, complete and up to date, i.e. more than 5600 references in force, including more than 4300 in full text and including more than 2000 standards.
Features SeeHide
- The main legislative and regulatory texts of the construction sector
- All DTU - NF DTU
- Over 2000 full-text standards
- All Eurocodes and their National Annexes in full text
- All Technical Specifications (CPT)
- Official texts and rules for calculating thermal regulations
- The guides, reports and professional recommendations of the RAGE program
- Professional rules accepted by C2P
- A set of guides and technical solutions
- Certification notices
- More than 110 guides published by CSTB
- Publications from partner organizations: AQC, IRIS-ST and OPPBTP
- Videos and calculation tools
- An archiving service for the Reef Reference to cover at least the ten-year guarantee
General documentation SeeHide
Video SeeHide
Web link SeeHide
- Technical and regulatory edition
- # Batipedia
- #Reef
- # Repository
- #Work
- #Security
- #Hygiene
- #Health
- #Accessibility
- # Energy
- #Technical
- # Regulation