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The CofiDrain was developed for the drainage of agricultural land. The technology of this coating makes it possible to create a natural filter in order to pass only the elements which can enter the pipe and distribute the water over the entire surface of the drain. Its opening surface allows installation without gravel and geotextile.
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CofiDrain technology responds to the 3 functions of the drain envelope, namely:
- Filter the elements that can enter the pipe
- Distribute the water over the entire surface of the drain
- Additional shock protection
CofiDrain is particularly suitable for soils rich in iron (it prevents the proliferation of algae).
- 750 micron filtration opening
- 3 in 1 drain because installation without geotextile and without gravel
- More than 10 years of experience feedback in France and 40 years in our neighboring countries such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Italy, ..
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- #Drainage
- #Agriculture
- #Drain
- #AgriculturalDrain