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With the Solar, BauWatch offers you a self-contained and easy-to-move security solution. Thanks to its solar panels, fuel cell and HD cameras connected to our 24/7 alarm center, your construction site will be constantly protected. This way, you opt for a sustainable solution for security and the environment.
The BauWatch Solar is particularly suitable for:
- Sites without power supply
- Infrastructure projects
- Wind and solar farms
Characteristics CheckHide
- 6.64 m high and 2.5 m x 2.5 m wide
- 725 kg
Technical specifications:
- Number of cameras: 2 (60°) detection cameras and 1 (108°) anti-vandalism cameras
- Detection range: 100m
- Detection by artificial intelligence
- Lighting type: 2x white LED
- Secure multi-network 4G internet connection
- Power supply: 100% autonomous (solar panels)
- Backup battery: 48h
- 24/24 alarm center
- Optional speaker
Services :
- Delivery, installation, configuration, remote monitoring and recovery
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Videos CheckHide
Wind farm, securing a renewable energy construction site | BauWatch
VideoConsultSecuring an infrastructure construction site with Freyssinet | BauWatch
VideoConsultPlace Bellecour, securing an exceptional construction site | BauWatch
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- #Security
- #Protection
- #Monitoring
- #Video
- #Camera