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Weekly Building News
2025 - Week 01
Top 10 most read news on Batinfo in 2024
Miscellaneous by Bat info
This year again, you were able to follow building news daily on Batinfo: construction, housing, regulations, environment... We invite you to discover the list of the 10 most read news stories in 2024 out of more than 3.000 published. Read more
Fight against energy insecurity, CEE, MaPrimeRénov': what changes on January 1, 2025
As of January 1, 2025, new measures will come into force in the field of housing and in favor of the ecological transition, the circular economy and the protection of the French against environmental challenges. Overview of the main measures. Read more
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In a nutshell
Building permits for housing down 5% in November
Study / Review / Report
The number of building permits granted for housing in France fell by 5,7% in November compared to the previous month, still far from the pre-Covid level, according to provisional data published on Tuesday, December 31 by the government. Read more
The added value provided by energy renovation work has increased significantly in 4 years
Study / Review / Report
On December 16, the Higher Council of Notaries held its traditional national real estate press conference. Unsurprisingly, almost all indicators are in the red except... the green value. Read more
Self-employed, an attractive status faced with an economic reality and a feeling of fragile social protection
Study / Review / Report
The Council for the Social Protection of Self-Employed Workers (CPSTI) is publishing a study conducted by CREDOC in coordination with Urssaf Caisse nationale (Statistical Observatory for Self-Employed Workers) concerning “self-employed entrepreneurs, their career paths, projects and perception of status”. Read more
565.000 most energy-consuming homes considered indecent since January 1
Since January 1, 2025, the most energy-intensive housing has been classified as indecent and can no longer be rented, which is causing anxiety among owners, who are worried about being forced to carry out renovation work, despite considerable uncertainty surrounding the application of this measure. Read more
Selling an energy-consuming home to avoid renovation work
With the ban on renting out the most energy-intensive homes approaching, some landlords have preferred to resell their properties rather than undertake costly and technical renovation work. Read more
Sharing Value: Small Businesses Are Going to Have to Get on Board
"It's a subject that has been close to my heart for a long time." Jean-Baptiste Sizes, president of the start-up Eigrene, did not wait for the law to cut through to share his profits with his 12 employees. But many SME managers will have to get on board in 2025. Read more
Reduction in apprenticeship aid: professional organizations divided
Organization News
On Tuesday, December 2, the U31P, an employers' organization representing local businesses, asked the government to abandon its plan to reduce aid for hiring an apprentice in 2025, while the CPME said it was reassured and the CAPEB regretted the reduction in the amount of support for apprenticeships. Read more
Positive results for the Maison de la Construction Métallique after one year of existence
Organization News
Created on the initiative of 5 founding members (CTICM, SCMF, ESA Les Charpentiers de demain, Union des métalliers -FFB and the association Enveloppe métal du bâtiment), the Maison de la Construction Métallique (MCM) held its second General Assembly on September 30, at the headquarters of the French Building Federation. Read more
Wind farms in the Mediterranean: two winners designated
Renewable energy
The government announced on Friday, December 27, that it had selected two winners for the construction of two floating offshore wind farms in the Mediterranean, each of 250 MW, capable of producing the electricity needed by 450.000 inhabitants. Read more
Bayrou wants to put Mayotte "back on its feet" after the passage of cyclone Chido
the Region
François Bayrou, determined to rebuild Mayotte in two years, arrived on Monday December 30 on the archipelago devastated by cyclone Chido at the head of an imposing ministerial delegation, with the promise of an aid plan called "Mayotte debout", which will precede other long-term measures. Read more
Apprenticeship: hiring aid maintained in 2025 but revised downwards
Aid for hiring an apprentice will be maintained for all companies in 2025 but its amount will be reduced to 5.000 euros for SMEs and 2.000 euros for larger companies, the Ministry of Labor announced on Monday, December 30. Read more
Man indicted for "aggravated money laundering" in the construction sector
A man suspected of laundering some 10 million euros for the benefit of "unscrupulous" French construction companies has been charged in Angers with "aggravated money laundering", the Maine-et-Loire police announced on Saturday 28 December. Read more
Real estate: call for witnesses around an influencer suspected of fraud
He is said to have promised attractive returns after real estate work that was not always carried out: an appeal for witnesses was launched by the Montbéliard public prosecutor's office against an influencer suspected of having defrauded individuals, we learned on Monday, December 30. Read more
2024 FPI Golden Pyramids Awards: Promoters' Excellence Rewarded
Contest / Prize / Trophy
The Federation of Real Estate Developers (FPI) unveiled the winners of the 19 Golden Pyramids on December 2024, during a ceremony held at the Salle Wagram in Paris. Read more
Manufacturers and Distributors
HOPPE: a generational transition under the banner of continuity and innovation
Appointment by France
Ensuring succession within a company has always been a demanding task. This has been successfully accomplished at HOPPE: Christian Hoppe, grandson of company founder Friedrich Hoppe, will take over the operational management of the HOPPE Group as of January 1, 2025. Read more
Vincent Hannecart, new President of the Association of Biosourced Construction Industrialists (AICB)
Vincent Hannecart was elected President of the Association of Biosourced Construction Industrialists (AICB), which brings together French industrialists producing biosourced construction materials. He succeeds Olivier Joreau, who until now chaired the association. Read more
The Derrey group opens a new Gedibois point of sale in Metz
Distributor News
Strongly established in the Grand Est region, with a rich network of 24 points of sale, the Derrey family group is strengthening its territorial network with a new Gedibois agency in the Lorraine valley. Read more
Top 10 most viewed videos on Batinfo in 2024
Video by Bat info
This year again, you were able to follow the latest building news on Batinfo every day: construction, housing, regulations, environment, etc. We invite you to discover the list of the 10 most viewed videos in 2024 out of more than 1.100 published. Read more
Coming Soon - EverPark Access 4
Video by lightening
Coming soon: The EverPark ACCESS 4, completely redesigned to meet the most demanding lighting needs. Read more
Deltamod, at the service of modular - GSCM CSR video
Video by Deltamod
In September 2022, Deltamod signed the CSR policy shared by all subsidiaries of the GSCM group. It sets out the main commitments in terms of corporate social responsibility. Read more
[KP1] In 2025, prefabrication, the asset of your construction site
Video by KP1
Prefabrication, the asset of your construction site: environmental impact, economy, deadlines, comfort, cost and safety. The KP1 Team wishes you a happy new year 2025. Read more
Self-adhesive mat Schlüter-DITRA-PS
Video by Schluter Systems
Schlüter-DITRA-PS is a polypropylene mat with dovetail-cut, intersecting ribs and an Easycut cutting grid and is coated with a self-adhesive non-woven fabric on the underside. Read more
Frame for Eclisse Unique pocket sliding door
Video by Eclisse France
Discover the Unique frame from Eclisse, a frame for sliding pocket doors, appreciated for its versatility and excellent value for money. Read more
Hellio wishes you a beautiful and happy new year 2025
Video by hello
In 2024, Hellio laid the foundations of an impact company in order to grow the group in a virtuous way. Meaning in business is a virtue that Hellio wants to develop! Read more
Impact - Circular economy - Joint actions with manufacturing partners
Video by REHAU Window Solutions
Through the testimonies of Antoine Saillon (RPI Menuiserie) and Maxime Boileau (REHAU Window Solutions), discover the concrete actions developed on a daily basis to make your construction sites ever more sustainable. Read more
Products and Materials
New range of Geberit mirrors
New range by Geberit
An essential accessory in this place of care and well-being that the bathroom has become, mirrors have many advantages. They allow you to light up this space. But also to embellish it with a variety of elegant shapes. Read more
TE-BF 18 Li-solo cordless electric file for precision sanding of hard-to-reach surfaces
New product by Einhell
Sanding tight spaces such as the scrolls of a scrap metal gate or the mortises of a door or window requires delicate work and suitable tools. It should be noted that a traditional sander is not suitable for treating these hard-to-reach areas because this type of tool is too bulky to reach them. Read more
Oknoplast Pixel Windows – Design and Brightness
Zoom produced by Oknoplast
To let natural light into interiors, OKNOPLAST, the European leader in PVC windows, doors and shutters, has put all its know-how into designing a window with a contemporary, narrower profile and an enlarged glazing clear: the PIXEL window. Read more
Projects and Achievements
Polieco France's Ecodren drains contribute to the creation of an eco-responsible cycle path in Muret (31)
Realization by Polieco
The Muretain urban area has launched the creation of a 31 km cycle path in Muret (3) linking the municipalities of Labarthe-sur-Lèze, Eaunes and Villate. As part of this project initiated in 2023, Eiffage Route has opted for Ecodren drains from Polieco France to manage the collection and drainage of rainwater. Read more
Oknoplast participates in the rehabilitation of the Jean-Paul II Vocational High School in Denain (59)
Realization by Oknoplast
A renowned manufacturer in the PVC joinery industry, OKNOPLAST participated in the rehabilitation project of the Jean-Paul II Vocational High School in Denain (59). This complex project highlights OKNOPLAST's expertise in customizing joinery, and the particular attention paid to supporting its Premium customers. Read more
Urban Challenge Trophies: Arcadis and its partners win the “Urban Recycling” prize with the Parc Bougainville project in Marseille
Contest / Prize / Trophy
Building the city on the city is the ambition of the Parc Bougainville project, which aims to breathe new life into an industrial wasteland and a waterway, to make it a new place of freshness, relaxation and walking for the residents of the district. Read more
Products of the week

Waterproofing buried structures

Drainage coating in quartz aggregates

Fiber cement facade panel

100% autonomous protection for your site

URETEK® France




Construction site safety thanks to AI

Invisible and acoustic sliding door

The Broken Stick of the Future

Wall Fireplace

CAD. 42

Eclisse France


JC Bordelet

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