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Weekly Building News
2024 - Week 29
The decree for raising the ceilings for public aid for energy renovation was published in the Official Journal
Last Friday, the Ministry of Ecological Transition announced a boost to encourage the French to carry out energy renovation work. This is now officially a promise kept with the publication in the Official Journal of July 16 of a decree establishing the increase in the ceilings for public aid for energy renovation. Read more
Real estate credit: banks regain balance after two years of negative margin, according to the ACPR
Study / Review / Report
The margins of banking establishments on real estate credit have been negative since the first quarter of 2022, but approached balance in the first quarter of 2024, the banking watchdog indicated in a note on Friday July 12. Read more
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In a nutshell
Heat waves: will air conditioning become essential?
Study / Assessment / Report by ADEME
In its 2022 report, the IPCC anticipates an increase in the duration, intensity and frequency of heat waves. These waves could occur three years out of four and last from May to October, amplifying urban heat islands and reducing the thermal comfort of building occupants, which will have a strong impact on the regions. Read more
2024 Olympic Games, gold medal for sustainability?
Study / Review / Report
Nine years after COP21, the world returns to Paris for the 2024 Olympic Games. With an ambitious program to make this event as sustainable as possible, the organizers seek to minimize its environmental impact. For its part, Greenly looks at the different levers activated to achieve this objective, and tries to provide as global an analysis as possible of the event from an environmental point of view. Read more
Seaside resorts are still popular in the real estate market
Study / Review / Report
Three seaside resorts on the Côte d'Azur are the municipalities in France where real estate is the most expensive, according to a study by the National Real Estate Federation (Fnaim) on these coastal municipalities. Read more
Increase in the production of real estate loans in the 2nd quarter of 2024
The number of new real estate loans jumped by 12,2% in the second quarter, year-on-year, but this increase does not benefit the most modest households, according to figures published Tuesday July 16 by the Observatoire Crédit Logement/CSA. Read more
Real estate loans: a two-speed recovery, according to Crédit Logement
First-time buyers and low-income households are those who have the most difficulty benefiting from the recent decline in mortgage rates, unlike wealthier households, according to the Crédit Logement/CSA Observatory. Read more
Reducing debt is an “imperative” for all parties, says Moscovici
Public finances
The need to reduce the debt is an "imperative" which "must be shared" by all political forces, warns the first president of the Court of Auditors, Pierre Moscovici, in Les Echos and on France Inter. Read more
More than 100 economic leaders call to “lead differently”
More than 100 business leaders, including the general director of Maif Pascal Demurger, called for "leading differently" in order to "appease and positively transform society", in an article published Friday July 12 in Les Echos while the France is plagued by political instability. Read more
New measures will be necessary for pensions, according to the monitoring committee
The pension monitoring committee, reporting to the Prime Minister, warns of the persistence of foreseeable deficits in the pension system despite the 2023 reform, and calls for new measures to return to balance. Read more
The Housing Alliance denounces the State's inaction which costs the construction-real estate sector more than 10.000 jobs every month
Organization News
The partners of the Housing Alliance – the FFB, USH, FNAIM, FPI, Pôle Habitat FFB, PROCIVIS, UNIS, UNNE, UNSFA and UNTEC have been warning, for two years, on the consequences linked to the fall in the production of social and free housing across all territories. Read more
The entrepreneurial front is organizing itself in the face of the risks incurred
Organization News
The inventory of VSEs published each quarter by the SDI demonstrates the achievement of a plateau for craftsmen, traders, liberals and managers of VSEs in the second quarter of 2024. Read more
A new President and new governance to support the evolution of SERCE
During its General Assembly held on June 20, 2024, the SERCE Board of Directors elected Jean de Vauxclairs (CEME) President and Jean-Pascal de Peretti, Vice-President. Read more
Olympic Games-2024: in Paris, barriers are flourishing, as are inconveniences
Around 44.000 barriers are taking over the heart of Paris, less than three weeks before the Olympic Games: the assembly of the stands for the opening ceremony is not without inconvenience for the inhabitants of the capital, hampered in their movements. Read more
The OPPBTP gives its recommendations to prevent risks linked to high heat on construction sites
Prevention / Security by OPPBTP
According to the Ministry of Ecological Transition, by 2050, the number of days of extreme heat should double in France, with increasingly intense, early and long waves. The government, aware of the risk posed by extreme heat for construction professionals in particular, issued a decree on June 28, 2024 adding heat waves to the list of atmospheric conditions making it possible to trigger compensation for work stoppages due to severe weather. Read more
The 2024 Urban Planning Grand Prize is awarded to architect-urban planner Claire Schorter
Contest / Prize / Trophy
Meeting on June 13, 2024 at the initiative of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, the jury awarded the Grand Prix de l'urbanisme to Claire Schorter, architect-urban planner and founder of the LAQ agency. This prize will be presented to him at the end of 2024. Read more
Manufacturers and Distributors
Forbo Sarlino celebrates its 100th anniversary and inaugurates a new showroom at its Rémois site
Birthday by Forbo Flooring Systems
The history of Forbo Flooring is intrinsically linked to that of linoleum. If the authorship of the latter goes to the British Frédéric Walton, Henri Faillant introduced it to France in 1924 with the creation of SARLINO (Société Anonyme Rémoise de LINOléum) in the premises of a former silk spinning mill in Reims. Read more
Spurgin inaugurates a new 13 million euro factory dedicated to wood concrete prefabrication
News Manufacturer by Spurgin
Revolutionizing construction methods since its creation in 1978, SPURGIN has established itself today as the French leader in Prémur, notably with ranges of low-carbon and low-carbon insulated Prémurs. Read more
Franck Couturieux transfers management of the Elcia Group to Edouard Catrice with an increase in Somfy's shareholding
Developer News by Elcia
Opened in 1999, the beautiful history of the ELCIA Group opens a new chapter! Its founder Franck COUTURIEUX hands over management to Edouard CATRICE, who becomes the new President of the Group and majority shareholder. To support it, the latter chooses SOMFY (already a shareholder of the Group since 2022) which becomes a reference partner with 33% of the Group's capital. Read more
Share Is More, the platform that connects all architecture professionals, accelerates its development and displays its ambitions after its fundraising
Developer News
The Bordeaux start-up, founded in June 2022, is already the first mapping of architectural achievements in France and brings together nearly 5.000 construction professionals. 2024 is synonymous with acceleration with a first fundraising of €500k, the arrival of new collaborators, and the development of new functionalities. Read more
Veka partners with Cread Lyon for a design competition
Contest / Prize / Trophy by VEKA
VEKA, extruder and designer of PVC joinery, has teamed up with CREAD, school of architecture and interior design in Lyon, to organize a competition for third year students. The objective of this competition: to challenge yourself to create a visual environment integrating high-end finishing and VEKA SPECTRAL design. Read more
Le Reef, the reference for construction professionals
Video by CSTB Editions
With the Reef online service designed by the CSTB, you have access to the entire Building Technical and Regulatory Reference, a complete and always up-to-date database! Using Reef, find all the answers to your questions in just a few clicks to carry out all your construction projects with complete peace of mind. Read more
Brenac & Gonzalez & Associés: Taking sustainability into account in the Higher-Roch project
Video by Graphisoft
Testimony from 3 partners from the Brenac & Gonzalez & Associés agency on the Higher-Roch tower project in Montpellier. How was Archicad instrumental in its design and construction? Read more
Kipopluie by Soprema
Video by Soprema
The collective water resource is threatened by increasing demand and exploitation, but also by the impermeability of the soil making infiltration difficult. Read more
A lead-free mirror that preserves your environment
Video by Glastetik
Glass is an innovative material, offering many advantages to make it the ideal choice for your home. Discover in this video the lead-free mirror that preserves your environment. Read more
[Kalcul] New KP1 floor joist/joist pre-sizing module
Video by KP1
Beam/Entrevous Floors are now integrated into the Kalcul Structure pre-sizing module! This module was developed to democratize the solution and support market changes, including RE2020 and its carbon footprint aspect. Read more
Housing Alliance
Video by FFB
Return to video of the press conference held on January 24 by the Alliance for Housing, Olivier Salleron, president of the FFB, underlines the continued commitment of the Federation in favor of a coherent housing policy on a national scale for many months. Read more
Jérôme, project manager at SPIE ICS
Video by SPIE
Meet Jérôme, project manager who shares his experience. SPIE ICS presents the diversity and richness of IT professions through the career paths of its employees. Read more
-30% on the energy bill of a Carrefour Market thanks to the support of Hellio
Video by hello
Hellio, a leading player in energy management in France, supported the Carrefour Market Bordeaux-Ferry supermarket, located in Bordeaux (33), with a view to identifying solutions to reduce the site's energy consumption. Read more
Products and Materials
The Outsteel exterior heat pump and air conditioning unit cladding range sees life in color with 20 new shades
Range evolution by Poujoulat
Since its launch in 2021, the 100% French exterior design brand OUTSTEEL by Cheminées Poujoulat has always placed personalization at the heart of its development projects. After being enriched with a new design 2 years ago with the VENITIAN model, the range of covers for heat pump and air conditioning units is adorned with a new palette of 20 new colors. Read more
Forbo Flooring enriches its range of textile floors with Flotex advance & Flotex color
Range evolution by Forbo Flooring Systems
Popular with interior architects and designers alike, Flotex flocked floor coverings from Forbo Flooring combine unique aesthetic qualities and multiple technical benefits, induced by their hybrid structure (textile on a PVC backing): comfort when walking, resistance to heavy traffic, wear and stains, reduced risk of slipping, acoustic efficiency, ease of maintenance, durability, etc. Read more
Touch & Silk: A matte universe with a silky touch with two exceptional finishes
Range evolution by Polyrey
Galerie, the new Interior Design offer from Polyrey, unveils a number of new features, including ever more creative finishes. With three anti-fingerprint structures available, including two textured ones (Touch Roche with a bumpy relief and Touch Linimat with a lined effect), Polyrey has reworked the range of its exceptional Touch finish for resolutely premium projects. Read more
Aco Stone, new invisible drainage channel for personalized exterior designs
New product by Co
ACO, specialist in solutions for water cycle management, announces the availability of the ACO Stone channel, its new benchmark in exterior drainage. In small landscaped spaces, this decorative and structuring element allows discreet and aesthetic drainage of gravelled surfaces. Read more
Lhassa series 311: the latest minimalist aluminum guardrail from Profils Systèmes
New product by profiles Systems
The credo of Profils Systèmes? Always combine the functionality of its products with assertive aesthetic research! And it's yet another winning combo with the brand new Lhassa® 311 aluminum guardrail which stands out for the finesse of its double posts and its minimalist Factory Design® style handrails. Read more
Projects and Achievements
First unfavorable opinion for the contemporary stained glass project for Notre-Dame
Construction site
The project to install contemporary stained glass windows for Notre-Dame de Paris, supported by President Emmanuel Macron, received an unfavorable opinion from the National Commission for Heritage and Architecture, the Ministry of Culture said on Friday July 12. Read more
The construction site of the Lyon-Turin railway line: a long battle
Construction site
The Lyon-Turin high-speed rail line project has divided people since its launch more than 30 years ago at the instigation of the European Union, which has already injected hundreds of millions of euros into this colossal project, including a tunnel. under construction and access routes still under discussion. Read more
When the old municipal swimming pool becomes a training center for swimmers for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games
Realization by Wicona
The context: a dual vocation The town of Aulnay-sous-Bois (Seine-Saint-Denis) wanted to replace the old municipal swimming pool, closed several years ago, with an aquatic center aligned with the expectations and standards of Today. This ambition met that of the Olympic works delivery company (Solideo). Read more
Segro inaugurates its very first multi-storey business park, Segro Park Élancourt (78)
SEGRO has inaugurated SEGRO Park Élancourt, its first multi-storey business park in France, located in Élancourt in the territory of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (78). With a surface area of ​​more than 13.000 m², this unique building is made up of 10 cells spread over two activity floors (ranging from 6 to 8 m). Read more
Valode & Pistre architects reveal the Thiais Orly station
Realization by Valode & Pistre
The new stations of the Grand Paris Express network are sources of urban development, catalysts for activity and multimodal transport hubs. All stations meet common specifications which ensure the coherence of the network. Read more
Products of the week

Permeable flooring

Natural slate thermal solar cover

Copanel Fiber Cement Facade Panel Surface Finishes

Caulking joint for joinery and facades

JDM Expert

Cupa Pizarras



ZWCAD: the best alternative to AutoCAD®

Densified wood flooring

Cladding plate in colored enamel terracotta

To edit your CCTP, DPGF, CCAP and Acts of Commitment

ZW France


Rairies Montrieux

CSTB Editions

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