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Daily Building News
Wednesday 6 November 2024
How is the purchasing power of the French in new real estate evolving?
Empruntis, a specialist in credit brokerage, publishes its biannual barometer of the new real estate market in 10 cities in France in partnership with Find-un-logement-neuf.com, an Internet portal specializing in new real estate.
Humidity and lack of ventilation: the under-considered scourge of mold...
Small grayish spots in a corner of the bedroom ceiling. It doesn't seem like much, but this mold...
The High Council of Public Finances advocates budgetary assumptions...
The High Council of Public Finances (HCFP) called on the government on Wednesday, November 6, to retain "hypotheses...
Public finances
Calogena requests approval for its nuclear boiler
Calogena, a start-up specializing in the development of small nuclear reactors, announced on Tuesday, November 5 that it had...
Nuclear energy
Floating vegetated module dedicated to the renaturation of aquatic environments
by Urbanoé
Outdoor triangular interlocking tiles
Air Module X18
by Square Module
Compact all-in-one built-in shower system
Rapido Shower Frame
by Grohe
Innovative and customizable application for maximum security
Daitem Secure
by Daitem
Launch of an international architectural consultation for...
In 2023, the President of the Republic announced the creation of an international consultation with designers...
Contest / Prize / Trophy
Bouygues Travaux Publics announces a 2 billion euro contract for...
Bouygues Travaux Publics, a subsidiary of Bouygues Construction, announced on Tuesday, November 5 a contract worth "more than two billion euros"...
Company News
Publication of the practical sustainable development guide "Cladding on...
This guide covers the implementation on concrete formwork or masonry walls of elements in application of the CSTB e-Cahiers...
Advertising and editorial
Sunshade: the shift towards high energy performance buildings
Products and Materials
Perpetuate and beautify: when the Durieu group supports a Companion's passion for metalworking
Manufacturers and Distributors
What work clothes should construction and industry professionals choose?
Products and Materials
Everything you need to know about the collective agreement in the construction industry
[In the box] With Simon, Sales Representative - Poujoulat Chimneys
A look back at BIM World 2024