Why this new event?

Catherine Rousselot: We wanted to create RENODAYS because we realized that there were very few meetings dedicated to this vast issue of housing renovation. For us, an event was missing during which all the stakeholders involved, whether public or private, could meet to move things forward. Global and efficient renovation is indeed a subject on which professionals and individuals alike are wondering, and rightly so, as regulations and obligations continue to evolve.
To find out if our intuition was correct, we conducted a major survey among public and private stakeholders. It was a question of knowing what, in their opinion, would be the best solutions to put in place so that things could move forward concretely and the obstacles would be removed. On the basis of all these interviews, we co-developed an event unique in its format, in the number and diversity of the personalities present. Renodays is truly designed as a space for discussion which encourages meetings, exchange and debate and which, we hope, will accelerate the overall and efficient renovation of housing to enable the objectives set, particularly with regard to the reduction of carbon emissions, are achieved.
What makes RENODAYS different from a salon?
Catherine Rousselot: We wanted RENODAYS not to present itself as a classic salon. It's a sort of hybrid between trade show, forum, demonstration space. There are of course stands but we have mainly favored speaking spaces. RENODAYS has 6 spaces which cover the main themes linked to energy renovation: Understanding the regulations and Solving problems, Understanding the expectations of residents, Discovering effective solutions, Meeting the new generation, Learning from the territories and committed actors, Renovation Tech. In all these spaces, different formats will follow one another: workshops, meet-ups, masterclasses, start-up pitches, etc.
A seventh space, Renotalks, will have the main theme: “Committed to the climate, citizens and employment!” » and will offer 13 sessions addressing 12 themes, representing more than 10 hours of discussions over 2 days.
Who is it aimed at?
Catherine Rousselot: 5.000 visitors are expected. We are aimed at all professional stakeholders involved in renovation: institutional, industrial, public authorities, distributors, communities, craftsmen, project managers, federations, real estate professionals, co-ownership managers. This is also seen in the programming, which is very comprehensive and brings together participants from all walks of life: industry players of course, but also economists, politicians, sociologists, researchers, climatologists, elected politicians, etc.
What is the point of participating?
Catherine Rousselot: Coming to RENODAYS is the guarantee of finding answers to all questions related to global and efficient renovation. This is a unique opportunity to meet all the stakeholders and discuss things together. RENODAYS will address all issues: regulations, employment and training, financing, etc. We do not exclude any subject, even the most sensitive such as fraud for example.
RENODAYS will also show very concrete things. Thus, Dorémi will organize demonstration workshops on the Practical Space. 30-minute sessions dedicated to airtightness, installation of carpentry and dual-flow ventilation will be offered. A focus on summer thermal comfort is also on the program. Dorémi will also host a “Serious Game”, a fun and informative game on the theme of efficient renovation in all its aspects.
Stop Energy Exclusion will also be present and has chosen to take advantage of RENODAYS to launch its Energy Poverty Fresco. This unique and ambitious approach is the result of the Scenario 2030 roadmap, developed by members of the Stop Energy Exclusion collective which aims to eradicate energy exclusion in France by 2030. Sessions are scheduled on RENODAYS, every day, at 11 a.m., 14 p.m., 15:30 p.m. and 17 p.m.
How many exhibitors will be present?
Catherine Rousselot: 143 participants and exhibitors will be present at RENODAYS. We are very happy with the mobilization that was created around this first edition and the diversity of companies and people who will be there on September 12 and 13. We are fortunate to be able to count on the presence of public authorities and public housing and housing services, more than twenty professional organizations, CEE delegates, manufacturers, distributors, eco-organizations, energy companies, diagnosticians, design and control offices, training organizations, general construction and renovation companies, financing organizations, banks and insurance companies, traders, service companies, technical and smart home solutions, start-ups.