Batinfo: Hello Madam Del Medico, you are the General Secretary of the Qualifelec association, can you tell us about your organization in a few words?
Alexandra Del Medico: Qualifelec has been serving professional electricians for 60 years. This organization provides craftsmen and businesses with 4-year qualifications in 12 skill areas. Within each qualification, it is possible to highlight specialties through specific mentions. In particular, the mention RGE allows the recognition of this sign of quality.
Batinfo: You have just launched a warning concerning the usurpation of the RGE mention by certain professionals, what are the consequences for deceived customers?
Alexandra Del Medico: Individuals risk losing the aid to which they are entitled when they engage in work in a field requiring the use of an EGR professional (this is not the case for all areas of work). In concrete terms, his zero-interest loan may be refused, public aid will remain blocked. He may even be subject to a tax adjustment if he has declared an energy transition tax credit (CITE).
With Qualibat and Qualit'EnR, we invite individuals to be vigilant and consult the directory of EGR professionals on the site For example, for the installation of a heat pump or a thermodynamic water heater (CET), the craftsman must appear in the field of work "Heat pump" and not "electrical equipment excluding renewable energy".
Batinfo: What are the risks of fake RGE companies (fines, convictions, etc.)?
Alexandra Del Medico: If these companies are already qualified outside the RGE, they lose the benefit of their qualification. In all cases, they will be prohibited from presenting a qualification dossier for at least five years. Legal proceedings can be launched.
We also communicate to the DGCCRF the list of companies that have misused our brand.
Batinfo: How are controls organized and by whom?
Alexandra Del Medico: Local communities, owners, individuals tell us about a lot of abusive uses of our brand and, recently, of the RGE logo. We are attentive to their alerts and apply sanctions.
At the request of the public authorities, we have made systematic the site audit of our RGE qualified companies in order to refine the control of their skills. The detection and control of fraudulent use is more complex. This is why we alerted individuals to this subject.
The RGE mention with Qualifelec Qualifelec qualifications - RGE mention adapted to each area of work RGE
According to the area of work in which the company wants to be recognized RGE, it can choose one or more qualifications - RGE mention : - "Electrical equipment excluding renewable energy" is accessible by the 3 qualifications: Small commercial tertiary housing, Medium large tertiary industries and Electric heating;
- " Ventilation " is accessible by the 3 qualifications: Housing trade small tertiary, Medium large tertiary industries and Ventilation;
- "Heat pump" is accessible by the 2 qualifications: Heat pump, Thermodynamic water heater
- "Photovoltaic panels" is accessible by the Solar photovoltaic qualification
The company will have to fulfill the administrative, human and technical resources related to its area of competence. It must provide 4 site references carried out in its qualification and 2 RGE site references in the field of work concerned. An on-site control of an EGR implementation will be carried out (in progress or completed) within two years of the issuance of the qualification. Comprehensive training in energy renovation is required (FEE Bat RENOVE type) for the two work areas "Electrical equipment excluding renewable energy" et " Ventilation ". Specific training for each type of renewable energy work is required for technical managers with success in MCQ for the two work areas "Heat pump" et "Photovoltaic panels". |