Paris, France French Building Federation Federation, Order, Union, Union
Organization News | Without rapid government action, construction professionals fear a collapse of the sector The political and economic uncertainty prevailing in France, reinforced by the major upheavals in the world, greatly complicates the 2025 forecast exercise. And yet, the crisis that the construction industry has been going through for two years and its social consequences call for a more serene, not to say favorable, environment, a source of confidence in the future. -
Organization News | Without a 2025 budget, the construction industry will suffer chaos Despite the drop in interest rates, it is no longer even certain that the figure of 250.000 housing starts will be reached in 2024. Worse still, the fall in building permits continues. Despite the corrections made in mid-May to MaPrimeRénov', the number of energy renovation files for 2024 will be down over the year. -
Digital Tools | BatiPerf: a new tool for comparing the financial situation of construction companies The FFB and BTP Banque (Crédit Coopératif group) are launching a tool enabling construction company managers to assess the financial situation of their structure in relation to average sector levels. -
Contest / Prize / Trophy | 2025 Innovative Housing Challenge Winners At the close of its annual Technical Seminar, the FFB Habitat Cluster unveils the 2025 winners of its 22nd Innovative Housing Challenge, in which seventeen member companies and thirty-two partners of the FFB Communication Habitat Cluster participated throughout the year. -
Regulation | Electronic invoicing for a fee: the FFB denounces an additional burden for building tradespeople From September 2026, all companies established in France and subject to VAT will have to gradually switch to electronic invoicing. The Ministry of Budget and Public Accounts has announced that artisans and entrepreneurs will have to use a private paid platform. Aurore Clavelou, member of the FFB Artisans, explains her concerns and uncertainties. -
Prevention / Security | The FFB is strengthening its actions in favor of safety at work for temporary workers in the construction industry thanks to PASI BTP® The FFB has just signed an agreement with EGF (National Union of General Contractors of France in the Construction Industry) allowing member companies to experiment with PASI BTP®. Thus, until December 31, 2025, the FFB is integrating this system as part of a pilot phase. -
Contest / Prize / Trophy | Responsible Builder Trophies: 6 winners were awarded for this 1st edition of the competition The Responsible Builder Trophies award ceremony was held on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, during the Batimat Show. Created on the initiative of the FFB, the Responsible Builder Trophies reward craftsmen and building contractors who implement CSR actions and good practices. -
Event | Behind the scenes of construction: two days to discover the sector’s professions and create vocations On October 10 and 11, nearly 250 construction sites and workshops will be exceptionally open throughout France. This 22nd edition of Behind the scenes of the building, a friendly and free event organized by the French Building Federation (FFB), will allow young people to discover the building trades and all the secrets of constructing or renovating a building. -
Conjuncture | The French Building Federation presents four measures to the new government to get the sector out of recession Despite the euphoria of the summer, driven by the Paris Olympic Games, and above all despite the continued fall in interest rates since the beginning of the year, the deep recession in the construction industry remains very much alive. -
Organization News | The FFB alerts the new National Assembly: housing must be a major national cause! In an open letter addressed to all group presidents in the National Assembly, the FFB is sounding a new alarm about the housing situation in France. Thus, given the emergence of the various discussions, the Federation is asking parliamentarians to quickly address this burning issue for the French economy.