
Expertima Technologies

Martigues from France Anti-lime devices Manufacturer of products and materials

For more than 30 years, EXPERTIMA Technologies, based in Martigues (Bouches-du-Rhône), works on the physical treatment of water. Its founder and its engineers designed and developed a new technology against scaling: the NT Process, patented in 2006.

A new patent filed in October 2019 makes it possible to treat an even wider range of water qualities.

Produced for over 15 years in Provence, this equipment confirms its qualities: performance, respect for the environment, no maintenance, sanitary water quality.

It has a sanitary conformity certificate (ACS), renewed every 5 years.

Today, EXPERTIMA Technologies has experience acquired on a fleet of more than 20 devices monitored and in operation. They fully equip the CMA CGM tower, in Marseille, and are used in many hospital and healthcare buildings, in industry, in the navy and in collective housing.

EXPERTIMA Technologies commits for 5 years on the effectiveness of its products, from small to large installation.

Anti-lime process - Anti-corrosion

EXPERTIMA Technologies offers a full range of products to maintain long-lasting installations.

This manufacturer supports engineers (hydraulic engineers, thermal engineers) and technicians from installation and operating companies to effectively protect their installations, throughout France.

  • A specific range for individual homes: CALCEO

With its experience in collective buildings and on large tertiary and industrial sites, EXPERTIMA Technologies develops its domestic range under the brand CALCEO for individual accommodation:

This range of devices contributes both to the sanitary quality of the installations, to their durability, as well as to maintaining the performance of the latest generation of domestic hot water generators.

Recognized and appreciated by thousands of users, the anti-lime process ofEXPERTIMA Technologies remains an economical and ecological alternative in the complex water treatment market.

Water purification

To address the problem of purifying drinking water (bacteria, nitrates, taste, odor, pesticides, heavy metals, etc.), EXPERTIMA Technologies has also developed the Cristalino. This purifier removes all contaminants present in the water, while retaining the mineral qualities of the water (calcium and magnesium) unlike reverse osmosis units.

Sludge removal / Clarifier

The heating circuits (boilers, underfloor heating) and cooling are treated efficiently with the process CALCEO coupled with NTO sludge trap, without using any chemicals.