Indeed, the life of parquet floors is intense, so it is essential to provide them with adequate care and maintenance.
In the past, wax was the means used to ensure their longevity and beautiful appearance.
However, this has several drawbacks:
- It nourishes and protects the surface but clogs the wood over time, causing it to fade and making it slippery.
- It requires very regular maintenance, several times a year depending on traffic.
After wax, the era of vitrifiers took over for several decades:
- They provide a very resistant solution to stains and water, only the areas of passage can become very visible as soon as wear due to traffic appears.
- Maintenance can be cumbersome with tedious sanding. In addition, the film gives a satin or shiny appearance which may not be appreciated.
Increasingly, the desire is to maintain the most natural appearance possible as if the protection were invisible.
Currently, certain products related to oils can give a second skin effect and maintain this natural appearance as if the parquet was raw.
With its expertise in the protection of exterior wood, the Durieu group has developed a specific technical range dedicated to parquet floors and interior wood.
Passionately about Wood, Owatrol® offers unique technical solutions with the OLÉOFLOOR® range.
Oléofloor range: the ultimate version of wood
Thanks to their special composition combining natural oils and high-quality resins, the OLÉOFLOOR® CLASSIC and OLÉOFLOOR® NATURAL finishes provide protection and a unique finish with a completely natural wood “feel”.
In 3 words ...
As with exterior woods with saturators, the excellent impregnation power given to oils allows OLÉOFLOOR® to penetrate all interior woods to protect them in depth and guarantee good durability.
Second skin finish
Thanks to its fluid and penetrating composition, OLÉOFLOOR® becomes one with the support without leaving a film, and enhances the finish of the wood while preserving the original color.
The OLEOFLOOR® resins combine with each other on the surface and generate a real barrier to external aggressions, both mechanical and chemical. Parquet floors and even worktops protected with OLEOFLOOR® are more resistant to repeated passages and various chemical products (household cleaners, felt-tip pens, etc.).
Everywhere | Thanks to their holding performance, the oils in the OLÉOFLOOR® range can be applied everywhere: children's bedrooms, living rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, etc.
Light maintenance
Thanks to their impregnation power, OLÉOFLOOR® oils do not remain on the surface and the wood does not become dirty, while resisting stains.
During maintenance, there is no need for systematic sanding and it is even possible to make simple local touch-ups with colorless OLÉOFLOOR® NATURAL.
Natural or lightly tinted decoration
OLÉOFLOOR® CLASSIC revives wood to give a warm appearance with a beautiful satin finish.
OLÉOFLOOR® NATURAL acts like a second skin with a matte finish. This finish is totally invisible with the colorless version, or trendy in its antique white and antique gray versions.
Protect and make it last, guarantee a unique wood feel, enhance interior wood spaces with the OLÉOFLOOR® range from Owatrol®.
To go further, Owatrol® also offers varnishing solutions with its VEGAFLOOR® and ULTIMAFLOOR® ranges. These varnishes guarantee optimal protection against intensive use thanks to their hybrid polyurethane-acrylic resins.
VEGAFLOOR® provides the guarantee of a high-resistance varnish, it resists scratches, repeated passages, punching and impacts. It is ideal for the living room, dining room or children's bedrooms. Also suitable for more difficult environments, VEGAFLOOR® is not afraid of splashes or stagnant water, while resisting ammonia products. It is the perfect care for bathrooms or kitchens. And for old parquet floors, its film which has a flexibility at the core allows it to follow any deformations of the floor without cracking.
ULTIMAFLOOR® with its “extreme” qualities, is the answer to effectively protect high traffic floors in offices, museums, public places and stairways...
Little Pro tips when applying:
- Always apply in the direction of the wood grain.
- Work from the light source to the shadow area.
- Apply to the end of a blade, never stopping in the middle.
- After the first coat, the wood fibers may rise slightly due to the aqueous composition, in this case it is sufficient to lightly sand between the 2 passes.
- Don't forget to reserve a path to return to the door at the end of the application.