

Paris, France Electricity producer and supplier Service provider
  1. Olympic Games-2024: EDF promises “100% renewable energy” certified Games
  2. EDF formally a candidate for the construction of an EPR in the Czech Republic
  3. Plastic Omnium and EDF sign a major renewable energy contract
  4. The EDF group and Docaposte launch Monha, a digital housing information book
  5. EDF decides to freeze hiring due to its financial difficulties
  6. The succession process for the Chairman and CEO of EDF is underway
  7. Flamanville EPR: EDF believes it can avoid Taishan's problems
  8. EDF has started to win customers again and is focusing on services
  9. 96% of French people want companies to act to have the lowest possible energy consumption
  10. Energy: the resistance is organized to defend the public service