Drone volt
Villepinte, France Civil drone Manufacturer of products and materials
News Manufacturer | Drone Volt announces the death of its CEO, Olivier Gualdoni DRONE VOLT, expert in on-board artificial intelligence and manufacturer of professional civilian drones, is extremely sad to announce the death of Olivier GUALDONI, CEO of the Group, which suddenly occurred on Saturday, October 17, 2020. -
New product | Airshadow, the new professional mini drone ready to take off DRONE VOLT, expert in embedded artificial intelligence and manufacturer of professional civil drones is expanding its offer with the release of AIRSHADOW, its new mini drone. Programmable for automatic missions, this compact and resistant drone can fly with a low visual and sound signature up to 90 km / h day and night. -
Contest / Prize / Trophy | Drone Volt's Hercules 10 Spray wins an Award at the Batimat Innovation Competition 2017 Drone Volt, French manufacturer of professional drones, receives a silver Innovation Award for its HERCULES 10 SPRAY drone. The Grand Jury of the 2017 Mondial du Bâtiment Innovation Competition awards it this award in the category "Construction material, tools and equipment"