PCP Platinum

CSTB Editions

Marne La Vallee Cedex 2, France Editor of legislative, technical and regulatory texts Developer, editor, e-commerce

For over 75 years, CSTB editions support construction stakeholders to better understand the technical and regulatory framework.
From the design phase to reception without forgetting operation and this for both new and renovation, we have developed over the years tools in digital version or in paper format to help you integrate more easily into your projects the many requirements you must meet. To do this, we rely on a network of more than 200 experts from all fields in order to deliver quality content, verified and updated daily regarding online services.

CSTB Éditions publishes and distributes content linked to the technical reference system and regulations, in particular by offering online services allowing both the acquisition or updating of knowledge and the production of written documents linked to construction projects. .

CSTB Publishing makes technical-regulatory information and construction practices accessible and directly usable by professionals, in the form of:

  • Online services accessible via the portal
  • Guides: Practices - Sustainable development - Techniques - Regulatory - Eurocodes and structural calculations - Building pathologies - Fire safety - Accessibility - BIM