PCP Gold


Harnes from France Concrete block and products Manufacturer of products and materials
  1. Acquired in January 2024 by Alkern, Normandy Tub celebrates its 60th anniversary
  2. Alkern unveils numerous innovations for public works and construction
  3. Meeting with Xavier Janin, President of the Alkern Group
  4. Alkern signs a new digital tool dedicated to prescribers to help describe CCTPs
  5. Alkern sets course for low carbon and business valorization
  6. Alkern launches its Re-Source range, responsible products using recycled materials
  7. The Alkern 2024 regional catalogs reveal a host of new products for exterior design
  8. The Alkern cradle factory in Harnes is in turn switching to low-carbon construction
  9. With E-Massif, Alkern supports the development of charging station installations up to 22 KW
  10. Alkern acquires the company Normandy Tub and thus strengthens its presence of TP products in Normandy