10 - A parliamentary report recommends a “paradigm change” in terms of energy renovation

A parliamentary report calls on Wednesday October 4 to make the energy renovation of buildings a "priority project" by massifying public aid, facilitating the use of dedicated loans, and to "change the paradigm" by favoring insulation and overall renovation housing.
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9 - The heat pump is indeed the most economical heating according to a study

Monday September 25, Emmanuel Macron presented the broad outlines of French-style ecological planning. Among the announcements, the observation that the heat pump (PAC) is a solution for the future, the symbol of an intelligent energy transition, heating that is both ecological and economical. With the ambition to produce; million heat pumps in France by 2027, and to train 30.000 installers.
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8 - Despite repeated warnings from developers, the government is letting the new housing market collapse

Without concrete and robust measures with immediate effect, the production of new housing will completely stop. By domino effect, the entire residential route is blocked.
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7 - Are heat pumps ineffective in extreme cold?

By installing a heat pump in his house on the heights of Oslo, Øyvind Solstad killed three birds with one stone, sparing his ecological conscience, his comfort and his wallet.
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6 - Does the new Energy Performance Diagnosis (EPD) risk causing the collapse of the real estate market?

On the occasion of the Summer Universities of the profession, which took place from June 27 to 29 at the ESGT in Le Mans, the Order of Surveyors-Experts decided to tackle a burning subject: The new Diagnosis of Is Energy Performance likely to cause the collapse of the real estate market?
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5 - Housing building permits fall further, construction starts follow

Housing building permits issued over the past year continued their dizzying fall in August, according to statistics revealed Thursday September 28 by the Ministry of Ecological Transition, figures now followed by those for projects started.
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4 - The real estate boom is coming to an end in France

“The Roaring Twenties are over”: seven years of incessant rise in old real estate in France are coming to an end, with prices increasing by 0,5% in the second quarter, a probable prelude to a decline.
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3 - Is buying a thermal strainer in 2023 a good investment?

In recent years, the government has taken measures to fight against energy-intensive housing. He thus announced the gradual implementation of a rental ban for housing with poor energy performance diagnostics.
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2 - Energy costs: what is the most economical heating?

While the heating bill already represents a significant share of household expenses, the rise in energy prices further complicates the situation. The announcement effects are multiplying and between ecological impact and prices of different energies, the information can sometimes seem contradictory or opaque.
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1 - The construction industry is entering recession and anticipates the loss of 150.000 jobs by 2025

The construction sector, very affected by the new construction crisis, anticipates the elimination of 150.000 jobs by 2025 and a drop in activity for 2023 in France, the president of the French Building Federation announced on Wednesday September 13 ( FFB).
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