Since its inception, KP1 has been committed to a CSR approach by manufacturing structural solutions based on prestressed concrete technology, which inherently allows for more frugal constructions. Today, its approach is structured with a dedicated project team and a CSR committee to guide initiatives. The new visual identity "KP1 tous RSE" illustrates this collective commitment dear to the manufacturer, involving all professions and sites.
Collaborator and future KP1 talent, general contractor, prescriber, project owner, community, client, supplier, etc., everyone can view or download this new CSR Report directly on the site 66-page inventory is still structured around the 4 pillars, echoing the values engraved in the DNA of KP1:
- Contribute to reducing the carbon impact generated by the construction of buildings
- Putting employees at the heart of priorities
- Producing with limited environmental impact, from design to implementation
- Sustainably consolidate relationships with our ecosystem
For Vincent LINCHET, CEO of the KP1 Group: "It is by training, raising awareness, involving and empowering that our CSR approach will be strengthened. It is already bearing fruit, on the one hand in terms of reducing the environmental impact of our activities and, on the other hand, in the low-carbon solutions offered to our customers to build sustainable and efficient buildings. Ethics, respect for human rights, health and safety at work are also part of KP1's fundamentals. The quality of life and working conditions of our employees, as well as lasting relationships with all of our stakeholders, constitute two strong pillars of our CSR strategy."
Reduce its carbon impact by 50% by 2031
Since 2019, KP1 has set itself the ambition of reducing its carbon footprint by 50% by 2031, compared to the baseline data from 2015, the date of the Paris Agreement. Since then, it has analyzed the gains from three complementary angles, reflecting its daily activity:
- Factory impacts: In 2023, KP1 sites emitted 9.139 tonnes of CO2 eq., or 29% less than in 2015, with equivalent activity. The industrialist's territorial network, with its 40 sites including 18 factories in France, also makes it possible to be as close as possible to construction sites.
- The carbon weight of finished products: KP1 is committed to designing increasingly virtuous solutions. This involves using less carbon-intensive cement, particularly with its eco-designed IMPAKT range, or developing bio-sourced products such as EMX Bois or recycled interjoists with EMR Recyclés interjoists.
- Construction sites: KP1 prefabricated concrete systems provide significant gains. For example, for a low floor of collective housing, the system with pre-stressed beams and recycled polypropylene interjoists will have a carbon impact of 21,4 kg CO2 eq./m2, while a reinforced concrete slab on a crawl space will reach 65,6 kg CO2 eq./m2, i.e. a gain of 67%.
Some concrete actions across the 4 pillars
- Contribute to reducing the carbon impact generated by the construction of buildings
KP1 has reorganized and developed its K-LAB test center to strengthen its low-carbon innovation strategy. This laboratory, located on the historic site of Pujaut (30), is today the backbone for the development of eco-designed solutions and low-carbon concrete recipes.
- Putting employees at the heart of priorities
The deployment of the disability policy is a priority for KP1. In 2023, the company joined forces with CAP & PRO France, a network dedicated to inclusion. The objectives are to raise awareness among employees, integrate and support future talents with visible or invisible disabilities.
- Producing with limited environmental impact, from design to implementation
Monitoring has been set up to control energy consumption by installing connected meters and real-time consumption monitoring software on all sites. New technologies and new processes such as optimizing steaming time also reinforce these energy savings.