They aim to give priority to energy sobriety and the decarbonization of energy, while reducing the carbon impact of the construction of buildings, with the aim of the gradual disappearance of fossil fuels.
Innovation, performance, customization, it is on this triptych that Cheminées Poujoulat relies to develop its products in order to offer quality solutions in line with market needs.
The European leader in metal chimneys and roof outlets places energy mix at the heart of its strategy and offers a full range of heating solutions for all energies - wood, gas, electricity - and all buildings - individual houses, housing. collective - in new as in renovation.
All of the products developed by Cheminées Poujoulat benefit from the CÉRIC Label issued by the CÉRIC Laboratory, a benchmark in Europe in the fields of fireplaces and sustainable energies.
Proof of the recognition of its expertise, Cheminées Poujoulat has just been rewarded with an Innovation Award from the Mondial du Bâtiment 2022 for its latest unique solution on the RÉNO VMC-GAS market.
Beyond energy performance, Cheminées Poujoulat is also committed to offering customizable equipment that fits perfectly into the architecture of buildings.
Each chimney project or heating problem has a Poujoulat heating solution! Overview.
Low-carbon solutions for single-family homes
Recovery and distribution of hot air with AIRWOOD
The latest version of AIRWOOD with a new patented electrical back-up system, BOOSTY, offers, for the first time, the possibility of making wood energy the only main heating source. The AIRWOOD system recovers the ambient air from the living room, then heats this air in the exchanger duct and redistributes it throughout the house in a homogeneous and efficient way, through the air vents. When the wood-burning appliance loses power, BOOSTY takes over.
The AIRWOOD range allows up to 25% savings on the bill depending on the heating energy, compared to fossil fuels (fuel oil, gas, electricity) and is available in 2 solutions to meet all configurations:
- AIRWOOD Confort+ compatible with all new and renovated wood heating appliances: closed hearth, log wood stove or pellet stove,
- New AIRWOOD Alliance for pellet stoves and double-flux VMC. The range can be valued in the regulatory calculations thanks to TITLE V System-Conduit exchanger.
EFFICIENCE, the new generation chimney flue
To meet current and future thermal requirements, and to support the performance of Flamme Verte certified appliances, Cheminées Poujoulat has innovated by developing EFFICIENCE, a “new generation” triple-wall chimney flue insulated with rock wool.
An unprecedented solution on the market, EFFICIENCE optimizes the circulation of flows by ensuring the supply of air necessary for combustion and the evacuation of smoke on the same duct.
Inside its duct, EFFICIENCE has 20 mm high density and high temperature rock wool insulation. Thanks to this insulation, EFFICIENCE can heat the air taken from outside, necessary for combustion, and thus optimizes the efficiency of the wood-burning appliance. The rock wool insulation also promotes the evacuation of smoke by natural draught.
In addition, by taking the combustion air from the upper part of the duct, EFFICIENCE avoids having to pierce the wall where the stove is installed to get the air. Thanks to this property, EFFICIENCE is the ideal solution for participating in the airtightness of new homes but also in renovation when the installation does not allow drilling or overhanging the ridge.
EFFICIENCE thus offers great installation flexibility for any wood heating appliance, log wood stove, pellet stove, insert or closed hearth. It can be installed both inside and outside the house and adapts to all configurations
EFFICIENCE thus allows positioning on the roof according to the location of the device without necessarily having to go beyond the ridge (in principle, the law provides for an overhang of 40 cm above the highest line of the roof) .
PGI, a flue specifically developed for pellet stoves
The PGI system was specially developed by Cheminées Poujoulat for the installation of pellet stoves. As the pellet stove market continues to grow, PGI has met with great success.
The PGI system is a double-walled stainless steel flue. This high-tech duct optimizes the performance of the heating device and fits perfectly into a new or existing home.
Its concentric technology (two tubes one inside the other) creates an air gap which allows the arrival of combustion air and the evacuation of smoke in the same duct.
The PGI range offers a solution for all stove connection situations. The system can be installed in vertical or horizontal duct, inside or outside the house.
This system has been designed with the largest European stove manufacturers to adapt to all pellet appliances and ensure simple operation in complete safety.
Opting for this unique system allows energy savings of up to 10%, or 200 to 400 kg of wood pellets per year (depending on the region).
Full of accessories for customizing ducts
Another hallmark of Cheminées Poujoulat, aesthetics and customization with chimney flues and roof outlets that fit perfectly into the architecture of houses and the interior decoration of living rooms.
To meet the expectations of consumers looking for personalization, Cheminées Poujoulat has already taken a step by allowing individuals to personalize their chimney flue with colors (all RAL), finishes (matte or satin), colored connection collars , a designer draft regulator (RÉGUL'ART), a starting piece for a perfect and aesthetic junction between the THERMINOX flue and the nozzle of the wood stove (DÉCO'START).
The latest innovation to date, the DESIGN'UP ventilated cladding collection combines safety, heat recovery, aesthetics and ease of installation. DESIGN'UP has been specially designed to allow the consumer to mount the cladding themselves on their existing connection duct without prior dismantling by simple interlocking, according to their desires and the decorative fittings of their interior.
The range is available in 9 colors with DESIGN'UP COLOR and in 3 decors with DESIGN'UP DECO, to satisfy all desires. And for an even more pronounced effect, these new ventilated claddings can be combined with wall finishing plates.
Air quality with VENTÉLIA
With the entry into force of the RE2020 since January 1, 2022, ventilation has become a key element to ensure thermal comfort in summer and winter as well as good indoor air quality.
The special VENTÉLIA ventilation roof outlet is distinguished by its exceptional aeraulic performance of 4 Pa which promotes indoor air quality Universal solution, it can be connected to a VMC, a kitchen hood, a thermodynamic water heater, a dryer -laundry...
Available in several fi nishes to adapt to all types of roofs and slopes (tiles, slates, flat roof, steel deck and corrugated roofs), VENTÉLIA fits easily into its decor and is installed with the greatest simplicity. .
Exterior design: the perfect integration of heat pumps and air conditioning
OUTSTEEL: the solution for customizing outdoor heat pump and air conditioning units
With its new OUTSTEEL brand, launched in May 2021, Cheminées Poujoulat has extended its playing field to the heat pump and air conditioning market, more specifically to its covering and protection.
Recognized for 70 years for its know-how in smoke ducts and metal roof outlets, the company has used its skills to offer innovative solutions with a new complete range of heat pump and air conditioning covers in galvanized steel, in order to protect and aesthetically conceal these outdoor technical units.
Integral, partial or simple "cap" cover, the product fits each model of heat pump or air conditioning, regardless of the manufacturer.
Already made up of 5 models (Brousse, Bubbles, Colors, Cap and Cover), the range is enriched with a brand new "Venetian" design launched in September 2022.
Connection systems for the biomass boiler in individual houses and collective housing
DUALIS EI: a solution adapted to all types of sealed pellet boilers
Particularly suitable for replacing oil-fired boilers, DUALIS EI is a multipurpose stainless steel concentric duct combining the combustion air supply and the smoke evacuation of airtight pellet boilers.
Fitted with seals, assembly is done by interlocking secured by a junction collar between each element. Simple to implement, it fits into both new and existing housing.
Under technical advice, the system has undergone a series of functional tests to validate all the connections according to the different brands of sealed boilers under technical advice offered on the market. It optimizes the efficiency of low temperature or condensing boilers.
THERMINOX for log and wood pellet boilers
THERMINOX is a multi-fuel insulated double-wall flue suitable for all wood-log or pellet heating appliances.
Both efficient and aesthetic, the THERMINOX flue is suitable for both the interior and exterior of buildings, in single-family homes and collective dwellings, in creation and renovation.
In terms of energy performance, THERMINOX guarantees optimum operation in complete safety, optimizes the efficiency of the heating appliance and thus reduces energy consumption. Designed for crossing walls and floors, it allows all types of mounting.
Equipment for connection in collective housing
3CE THERMO-D for the connection of thermodynamic water heaters in collective housing
Perfectly adapted to RE2020, thermodynamic water heaters are booming. This equipment, intended to produce domestic hot water using a heat pump supplemented by an auxiliary electric resistance, reduces electricity consumption by up to 3 times compared to a conventional electric water heater.
To enable their connection, Cheminées Poujoulat has developed the 3CE THERMO-D airtight concentric system under ATEx, specially adapted to residential buildings.
This solution, quick and easy to install, ensures the supply and exhaust of air and optimizes the performance of 1 to 6 devices.
3CE P Multi + Interior, the collective conduit for the connection of individual sealed gas boilers
The 3CE P MULTI+ INTERIOR is a collective concentric duct allowing the air supply and the evacuation of combustion products from 2 to 20 sealed individual gas boilers. This system combines performance, safety (watertightness of the system, resistance to fire and condensation) and rapid installation (simple interlocking).
The sealing of the system, ensured by lip seals, allows the evacuation of smoke under slight pressure, which considerably reduces the size of the duct (more than 50%). The collective duct is installed inside the buildings , in a general technical shaft, also grouping the other networks.
The 3CE P MULTI+ INTERIOR can be equipped with two different vertical terminals: a circular terminal or a roof outlet, thus ensuring a neat and personalized finish on the roof.
The compatible boilers are of the C4p type, equipped with a non-return valve on the air-flue gas circuit.
RÉNO VMC-GAS: for the replacement of a VMC-Gaz device by a THPE condensing boiler in collective housing
Bronze winner of an Innovation Award from the Mondial du Bâtiment 2022 in the "HVAC" category and rewarded with a special mention in the cross-cutting category "Well Living in the City in 2050", RÉNO VMC-GAZ is the latest innovation signed Cheminées Poujoulat.
This system, unique of its kind to date, makes it possible to replace an inefficient VMCGaz appliance with a THPE condensing boiler in collective housing, with a view to saving energy.
It is made up of individual stainless steel flues and a roof-mounted terminal on each exhaust column to evacuate the products of combustion and provide the air extraction necessary for the ventilation of the dwellings. RÉNO VMC-GAZ is a patented solution (ATEx validation in progress). It will be available from the end of 2022.
This innovation completes the range of solutions for the renovation and adaptation of collective and individual ducts, whether for the evacuation of combustion products or ventilation (AIRFLUE RÉNOVATION, RÉNOSHUNT, 3CE P MULTI+) .
RÉNOSHUNT for the renovation of Shunt or Alsace ducts
The RÉNOSHUNT solution has many advantages for renovating the heating system in old buildings by allowing easy, quick and safe installation of condensing boilers on existing flues.
This concentric collective flue, produced by installing a casing in the existing flue, allows the renovation and reuse of shunt flues, when these only ensure the evacuation of smoke. Up to 6 gas condensing boilers can be connected. The combustion air circulates, from the outside, in the residual annular space.
The casing allows the fumes to be channeled to the outside, preserving the existing duct from condensates which it would not resist. Made of stainless steel, RÉNOSHUNT complies with fire regulations in collective housing buildings.
The RÉNOSHUNT system is easy to implement and, therefore, particularly suited to renovations with tight deadlines. The system developed by Cheminées Poujoulat limits the work by reusing the existing flue.
The action is done by a simple casing, carried out mainly from the roof, considerably limiting the intervention in the housing.
DUALIS RENODENS: a renovation solution to individualize the evacuation of smoke in collective housing
For better thermal comfort, savings and less environmental impact, more and more gas boilers, often aging, must be replaced by gas condensing boilers.
An alternative offer to its RENOSHUNT collective solution, the latest addition to the DUALIS family, RENODENS is a new solution for the individual renovation of existing collective masonry ducts of the Shunt or Alsace type.
This system, which allows individual flue gas evacuation for each gas condensing boiler, is efficient and simple to implement thanks to the Cheminées Poujoulat “plus”: the small diameter of its polypropylene hose (Ø 50 cm). Aware that the space available in a masonry flue of the SHUNT or ALSACE type is quite limited, Cheminées Poujoulat has favored a narrow diameter. A noticeable difference compared to other larger hoses available on the market.
Thus, thanks to its individual pipes which channel the fumes outwards, DUALIS RENODENS allows each gas condensing boiler to operate independently. The combustion air then circulates, from the outside, in the residual space. A solution increasingly popular with social landlords in particular, to eliminate any interaction between the boilers thanks to the separate combustion circuit.
The DUALIS RENODENS flexible flue offers the possibility of connecting up to 6 individual gas condensing boilers.
On the practical side, the installation of DUALIS RENODENS is done by a simple casing carried out essentially from the roof. Very fast, it greatly limits the intervention in the dwellings and therefore the inconvenience caused to the occupants.
Combustion product evacuation ducts eligible for financial assistance from Energy Savings Certificates (EEC)
The Energy Savings Certificates (CEE) is a system set up by the State. It obliges energy suppliers (Engie, EDF, Total, etc.) to encourage their customers to carry out energy renovation work in order to reduce their energy expenditure.
More concretely, the ESCs take the form of bonuses which make it possible to reduce the amount of work.
This bonus is notably granted to replace, in a collective residential building, a flue for the evacuation of combustion products “incompatible with individual gas condensing boilers”. It is indeed difficult to replace an old boiler with a condensing one if the flue is not suitable.
It comes under the EEC standardized operation sheet “BAR-TH-163” (Combustion product evacuation duct). Several families of ducts can benefit from the help of the CEE, according to certain criteria:
- In the case of the installation of an individual duct, its length must be greater than or equal to 10 meters;
- In the case of the installation of a collective flue, the latter replaces one or more collective flues of the Shunt, Alsace type, gas technical cell for non-sealed boilers, or replaces collective flues for sealed boilers with natural draft ( type 3CE).