In 2023, mediation requests increase by 110% with CPSTI regional mediators
With more than 8.500 files submitted to the CPSTI regional mediators, the number of mediation requests increased by 110% in 2023. According to Isabelle BLONDEAU, CPSTI National Mediator, "this sharp increase can be explained in particular by the resumption of forced recovery actions by Urssaf in February 2023".
More specifically, almost one in two requests results in the opening of mediation. The majority of inadmissible requests are due to the lack of prior action on the part of the self-employed worker with the organization.
The mediations concern subjects relating to the Recovery, Illness and Retirement branches
The regional mediator of the CPSTI can be contacted for requests concerning the recovery of contributions, the payment of health insurance benefits, and retirement insurance benefits. A cross-functional mediation which allows to understand the link between contributions and rights to benefits.
In 2023, 78% of mediations concern affiliation, the calculation of contributions and their recovery. Mediations concerning health and retirement concern 7% and 8% of the total respectively.
In 41% of cases, the mediator's intervention leads to the processing of the request that had initially been filed with the organization, and in 40% of cases to a simple explanation of the organization's position to the self-employed worker. In 19% of cases, mediation leads the organization to revise its position or to the conclusion of an amicable agreement with the self-employed worker.
Individual support and improved quality of service for all
Mediation supports self-employed workers in resolving disputes between them and social protection organizations (Urssaf, Cpam, Carsat). It is also geared towards resolving the causes of these disputes. In this respect, Isabelle BLONDEAU emphasizes that "the national mediation identifies in its activity report proposals for improving the quality of service provided to self-employed workers through general recommendations."
For any information on contacting the mediator and conducting mediation, go to
Find the CPSTI Mediation Report at the following link: